Annotated Chess Game 11133310 by talzamir

Annotated Chess Game 11133310 by talzamir

Annotated Games
  • 1. e4 c5 2. Bf1c4 Nb8c6 3. Ng1f3 e6 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nf3xd4 Nc6xd4 6. Qd1xd4
    White has a major advantage in development at this point. Nothing black can easily move. Nf6 e5; king's bishop needed to protect g7. b6 and then Bb7 looks doable.
  • 6... Qd8f6 7. c3
    A lot better than e4 but the queen side officers need join the game fast.
  • 7... b6 8. b4 Bc8b7 9. Bc4b5
    ? The mate threat is appealing but the white queen is overburdened, letting black into the game.
  • 9... Qf6xd4 10. cxd4 Bf8xb4
    Bxe4 was better.
  • 11. Bc1d2 Ra8c8
    Bxb4 Rc1+ followed by Rxh1
  • 12. O-O Bb4xd2 13. Nb1xd2 Ng8f6
    Finally black has developed everything, except the king's rook and the threat Bxd7 can make that problematic.
  • 14. Ra1c1 a6
    Prepares to bring the remaining rook to play
  • 15. Bb5c4
    Better was Rxc8+ followed by Rc1, developing the white rook to an open file with a tempo move. Or Bd3, protecting the underdefended e-pawn.
  • 15... b5 16. Bc4b3
    Still Bd3
  • 16... O-O
    Brings the second rook to play and frees the bishop to join the attack on the e-pawn as it no longer needs defend the rook.
    Game started
    04 Apr '15
    Last move
    21 Apr '15
    Game Lost
    21 Apr '15
    21 Apr '15
    Annotation Id

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