Annotated Chess Game 13499962 by moonbus

Annotated Chess Game 13499962 by moonbus

Annotated Games

Caro-Kann Exchange Variantion

  • 12. Nf3e5
    White refrains from castling, leaving Black guessing which side he will choose and giving Black no clear target.
  • 12... Nf6e8
    There is nothing to be gained by exchanging on e5. The Black knight is heading for d6, and from there to e4 or c4.
  • 13. Ne5xc6
    This does not really improve White's position, but the knight could have been booted away by . . . f6 anyway.
  • 13... Rc8xc6 14. Bf4g3
    Preparing to advance the f2 pawn; White's gathering attack is looking menacing. Black must get some sort of counter-attack going very quickly, or risk being bowled over.
  • 14... Ne8d6 15. f4 Be7h4
    Testing the waters, to see whether White will trade.
  • 16. O-O-O
    At last, White commits himself; Black now has a stationary target.
  • 16... Bh4e7
    The initial target is a3.
  • 17. g5 Nd6c4
    Both sides are attacking aggressively. Generally speaking: a) whoever strikes first will have the better prospects of success; and b) it is harder to hold the queen-side than the king-side because there is more territory to defend. White must be on guard against a piece sacrifice on a3.
  • 18. Nc3a4
    Double defending a3; however, a queen is too precious to be defending pawns. Instead, the knight should have gone to b1 to hold a3.
  • 18... b5 19. Na4c5
    This loses a pawn directly, but also removes one of Black's best attackers.
    Game started
    16 Nov '19
    Last move
    22 Jan '20
    Game Lost
    24 Jan '20
    15 Feb '20
    Annotation Id

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