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What is Boden's Mate?

What is Boden's Mate?

Checkmate Patterns : Boden's Mate Explained

What is Boden's Mate?

Checkmate Patterns : Boden's Mate Explained

Boden's Mate

Two bishops deliver checkmate by attacking diagonally after a sacrifice opens lines towards the opponent’s king.

Boden's Mate is a checkmate pattern in chess that typically occurs with the bishops crisscrossing each other to deliver checkmate. The bishops control adjacent diagonals and trap the enemy king, while the remaining enemy pieces are unable to block or capture the attacking bishops. It is named after an English chess player, Samuel Boden, who used this pattern in an 1853 game.

Study Simplified example showing white bishops delivering checkmateSimplified example showing white bishops delivering checkmate
Board is interactive - move a piece

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