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What is Ladder Mate?

What is Ladder Mate?

Checkmate Patterns : Ladder Mate Explained

What is Ladder Mate?

Checkmate Patterns : Ladder Mate Explained

Ladder Mate

Two major pieces (such as two queens, two rooks, or a rook and a queen) collaborate to drive the opposing king to the edge of the board

Ladder mate (also known as rook roller) involves two rooks (or sometimes a rook and a queen) working together to checkmate the opposing king. This method systematically confines the king to a row or file, then gradually forces it to the edge of the board. 

Study Two rooks coordinate to deliver checkmate.Two rooks coordinate to deliver checkmate.
Board is interactive - move a piece

  • The two rooks are positioned so that they can work together, usually starting on neighboring files or ranks.

  • One rook delivers a check to the opposing king, forcing the king to move to a row or file where it can be further restricted.

  • The second rook then delivers another check from the opposite direction, tightening the noose and pushing the king further towards the edge of the board.

  • This process is repeated, with the rooks taking turns delivering checks and covering each other's ranks or files, until the king is forced to the edge and into a final checkmate position.

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