Exchange Sacrifices

Exchange Sacrifices

Hikaru Junction

Exchange Sacrifices

A few days ago, I embarked upon a chess trail of links and games. It began two days ago when I saw greenpawn34’s post in the Chess Forum remarking on the number of decisive games in the Sinquefield cup: Thread 165280. I saw the Giri–Grischuk game and the So- MVL game and was enthralled. I then, attempting to find similar things, searched online these keywords: “red hot pawn exchange sacrifice” and got this link: old rhp thread , and this one: online chess thread, each with an interesting game. The first one connected to a variation from a book, which I then pulled from the shelf. And that’s my rambling intro for today. Onto the games.

Anish Giri–Alexander Grischuk Sinquefield Cup 2015

This game, with its two exchange sacrifices, is amazing! Giri slowly, non-obviously, builds pressure and breaks through. This game inspired the theme of this blog: Exchange Sacrifices.

Wesley So–Maxime Vachier-Lagrave Sinquefield Cup 2015

What a game! Black took advantage of White’s early opening misstep to slowly build an attack.

Andrei Volokitin–Alexandr Bortnik 1nd Loo Russia Team Championship 2014

Another double exchange sac, another amazing game.

morgski-mikelom RHP 2011

Bravo! But I wasn’t done. I spent half an hour looking for another Rxe7 sac in my favorite opening book, Mayhem in the Morra, by IM Marc Esserman. And I found it!

He gives


Brilliant, eh?


P. S.
I have a few more games to show in this vein, but I want to put this out today, and also my last series was met with a drop-off in viewership. So I’ll post one or two more exchange-sac games as part of the next blog, but that’ll be part of it, not the whole thing. Just a heads-up.[/center]

Posted to Hikaru Junction

Hikaru Junction
Last Post
30 Jun 19
Blog since
27 Mar 15

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