Failing to Draw

Failing to Draw

Hikaru Junction

Failing to Draw

Today, I went looking for some games in which a player, presumably aiming for a draw, plays a very drawish opening and is easily defeated.

Stefano Tatai–Viktor Korchnoi Beer Sheva 1978

Korchnoi whacks White with the French defense! An extravagant undertaking, much more like the first panel than the second:
French Propaganda

The first panel reads: We progress in 1914/We will win in 1915. Interesting, no? I didn’t know that other countries besides the USSR had used mainstream chess propaganda.

Pedro Damiano–NN Rome 1497

Black attempted to draw with the admittedly draw-conducive Petroff, but made a fatal error in exposing the queen to the White pieces for so long.

Friedhelm Harms–Jean L Moeckel TGT 1998

Max Euwe–Rudolf Johannes Loman Rotterdam 1923

Fight against stronger players!
Don’t give up and try to settle for a draw!


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30 Jun 19
Blog since
27 Mar 15

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