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Chess and the See-Saw

Chess and the See-Saw

The Planet Greenpawn

Chess and the See-Saw

Picked this up for 50p.

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Once, for a joke, I said Murray was my son and I was the Dad in question. That was
in 1998, It took years to undo that joke and yet people still think I am Murray’s Dad.
(Murray actually dedicates this book to his father, Graham Chandler. Thankfully he
used his dad’s full name. If he had used G. Chandler I’d still be getting the blame.

I’m thinking the only way to stop it for good is to publish.

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(I’ll dedicate this book to Murray so he has to spend ages denying he is my son.)

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A Bishop Bonanza. They move in the first puzzle. But do not move in the second puzzle.

No.1 From a position in a Reinfeld book (White to play)

Trap and win the Queen. 1.Bb6 Qd7 2.Bf4 Qxf4 3.Nxe7+

Next is from Chess Life, August 1980. A. Barnes - H. Bird New York 1877

Black to play. (Black uses both Bishops without moving them!)

1...Rxh3 2.Kxh3 Nf4+ 3.Kh4 Ng2+ 4.Kg5 Nh7+ 5.Kh5 g6 Checkmate.

Study by baberton 1979. (White to play and win)

Give it a go, it is not too difficult.

Use the Black to King to block the Rook checks.

new sol

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Nothing too much has happened since the last blog.

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Let’s get back to Murray’s book. Chapter 10. ‘The See-Saw’

Murray uses the classic example which everyone else uses Torre - Lasker, Moscow 1925.
I won’t bother giving it just Google it. Not his fault RHP was not up and running in 1998.

It is easier to give an example than explain, here are some RHP See-Saw Specimens.
Note in a few of the games the player on the See-Sawing misses delivering a checkmate.

Frankieboy - Andychrisnixon RHP 2019

SlowNsteady - McDuffy RHP 2020

u b luzhin - kasparov6179 RHP 2007

cimule - Bromdog RHP 2014

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 201186

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
22 Jan 25
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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