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New Torture Camp Guard

New Torture Camp Guard

SG's puzzle torture camp

New Torture Camp Guard

Here are the solutions to the previous post.

White mates in 2
1.Nc5*e4 ! threat: 2.Nh4-f3 #
1...Qa1-d4 2.Qc4*d4 #
1...f5-f4 2.Rh6-h5 #
1...f5*e4 2.Qc4-c5 #
1...Rb7-b8 + 2.c7*b8=Q #
Try: 1.Nxe6? but 1...Rb5!
Solved: Thomaster

White mates in 4
1. B-b5 Kxb5
2. N-e6 K-a5
3. N-d4 -b5
4. N-c6#
Solved: Thomaster

White selfmates in 5 [white forces unwilling black to give mate]
1. Ba6 axb6 2. Bb5 bxc5 3. Bc4 cxd4 4. Bd4 dxe3 5. Be3 exf2#
Solved: Thomaster, golfer1
Apply to be a guard at torture camp!
Test: Construct a torturous "white mates in 2" problem with the following exact solution:
1.dxc7! (threat 2.dxc6# )
1...Nf7 2.Qh4
1...Ne4 2.Ne2
1...Ne6 2.dxe6
1...Ne7 2.Qxh8
1...Nf6 2.Qxf6
1...cxd5 2.Qxd5

The new position will go to the one who gives the most economical [fewest pieces on board] position.

Winner: Thomaster

Mate in 2

However, just to show that NO ONE outclasses the Warden of Torture Camp, I managed to save a few units:

Mate in 2

It's late ... new problems will have to wait until the next blog post!

SG's puzzle torture camp

Caninus Interruptus
Flag ISO 840
Last Post
30 Oct 13
Blog since
09 Jul 10
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