Here are the solutions to the previous post.
White mates in 2
1.Nc5*e4 ! threat: 2.Nh4-f3 #
1...Qa1-d4 2.Qc4*d4 #
1...f5-f4 2.Rh6-h5 #
1...f5*e4 2.Qc4-c5 #
1...Rb7-b8 + 2.c7*b8=Q #
Try: 1.Nxe6? but 1...Rb5!
Solved: Thomaster
White mates in 4
1. B-b5 Kxb5
2. N-e6 K-a5
3. N-d4 -b5
4. N-c6#
Solved: Thomaster
White selfmates in 5 [white forces unwilling black to give mate]
1. Ba6 axb6 2. Bb5 bxc5 3. Bc4 cxd4 4. Bd4 dxe3 5. Be3 exf2#
Solved: Thomaster, golfer1
Apply to be a guard at torture camp!
Test: Construct a torturous "white mates in 2" problem with the following exact solution:
1.dxc7! (threat 2.dxc6# )
1...Nf7 2.Qh4
1...Ne4 2.Ne2
1...Ne6 2.dxe6
1...Ne7 2.Qxh8
1...Nf6 2.Qxf6
1...cxd5 2.Qxd5
The new position will go to the one who gives the most economical [fewest pieces on board] position.
Winner: Thomaster
Mate in 2
However, just to show that NO ONE outclasses the Warden of Torture Camp, I managed to save a few units:
Mate in 2
It's late ... new problems will have to wait until the next blog post!
White mates in 2
1.Nc5*e4 ! threat: 2.Nh4-f3 #
1...Qa1-d4 2.Qc4*d4 #
1...f5-f4 2.Rh6-h5 #
1...f5*e4 2.Qc4-c5 #
1...Rb7-b8 + 2.c7*b8=Q #
Try: 1.Nxe6? but 1...Rb5!
Solved: Thomaster
White mates in 4
1. B-b5 Kxb5
2. N-e6 K-a5
3. N-d4 -b5
4. N-c6#
Solved: Thomaster
White selfmates in 5 [white forces unwilling black to give mate]
1. Ba6 axb6 2. Bb5 bxc5 3. Bc4 cxd4 4. Bd4 dxe3 5. Be3 exf2#
Solved: Thomaster, golfer1
Apply to be a guard at torture camp!
Test: Construct a torturous "white mates in 2" problem with the following exact solution:
1.dxc7! (threat 2.dxc6# )
1...Nf7 2.Qh4
1...Ne4 2.Ne2
1...Ne6 2.dxe6
1...Ne7 2.Qxh8
1...Nf6 2.Qxf6
1...cxd5 2.Qxd5
The new position will go to the one who gives the most economical [fewest pieces on board] position.
Winner: Thomaster
Mate in 2
However, just to show that NO ONE outclasses the Warden of Torture Camp, I managed to save a few units:
Mate in 2
It's late ... new problems will have to wait until the next blog post!