The inmates were starting to tire of torture camp and the problems therein. "They look so simple!", one cried.
"Fine!", thought the warden. If they think this is a place with nothing but weak minded problems, they shall be in for a rude awakening......
Edit: Added FEN code for each position below the board. This will help setup the problem for solving. The warden is not totally heartless...
q7/8/8/1Kp5/1p6/2b5/bp6/kBRr4 b
Helpmate in 3.
Black moves first; white's 3rd move is checkmate. White and black cooperate.
7q/PppBn2P/2nB4/1pPk4/r2P1p2/1P3Pp1/rN1PN1K1/8 w - - 0 1
White to mate in 9
rn1qkn1r/ppp1pp1p/5p2/8/8/P1P1b2b/P2PPP2/RN2KBNR w KQkq - 0 18
Proof game in 17.0 moves
[position after Black's 17th move. How did the game go?]
Prison Guard Exam
Torture the inmates with a devious chess problem. Solution should look exactly like this:
White to move and mate in 2.
1.Nh5*f4 ! threat: 2.Nc7*e6 #
Defenses and refutation of each:
1...Nd2-e4 2.Nf4-g6 #
1...Nd2-c4 2.Nf4-g2 #
1...Na3-c4 2.Nf4*e6 #
1...Na3*b5 2.Nc7*b5 #
1...Ra4-a8 2.Nf4*e6 #
1...Ra4-a7 2.Nf4*e6 #
1...Ra4*f4 + 2.Qh2*f4 #
1...Ra4-d4 2.Nc7-d5 #
1...Ke5-d6 2.Nc7-d5 #
1...Ke5-d4 2.Nf4-e2 #
"Fine!", thought the warden. If they think this is a place with nothing but weak minded problems, they shall be in for a rude awakening......
Edit: Added FEN code for each position below the board. This will help setup the problem for solving. The warden is not totally heartless...
q7/8/8/1Kp5/1p6/2b5/bp6/kBRr4 b
Helpmate in 3.
Black moves first; white's 3rd move is checkmate. White and black cooperate.
7q/PppBn2P/2nB4/1pPk4/r2P1p2/1P3Pp1/rN1PN1K1/8 w - - 0 1
White to mate in 9
rn1qkn1r/ppp1pp1p/5p2/8/8/P1P1b2b/P2PPP2/RN2KBNR w KQkq - 0 18
Proof game in 17.0 moves
[position after Black's 17th move. How did the game go?]
Prison Guard Exam
Torture the inmates with a devious chess problem. Solution should look exactly like this:
White to move and mate in 2.
1.Nh5*f4 ! threat: 2.Nc7*e6 #
Defenses and refutation of each:
1...Nd2-e4 2.Nf4-g6 #
1...Nd2-c4 2.Nf4-g2 #
1...Na3-c4 2.Nf4*e6 #
1...Na3*b5 2.Nc7*b5 #
1...Ra4-a8 2.Nf4*e6 #
1...Ra4-a7 2.Nf4*e6 #
1...Ra4*f4 + 2.Qh2*f4 #
1...Ra4-d4 2.Nc7-d5 #
1...Ke5-d6 2.Nc7-d5 #
1...Ke5-d4 2.Nf4-e2 #