Solutions to 9/7 problems:
1. Nf4 Qxf5+ 2. Ne6#
(1... d5 2. cxd5# )
(1... Qxg1 2. Ng2# )
(1... exf4 2. Qe1# )
(1... b5 2. cxb5# )
(1... Na3 2. Nd2# )
(1... Kxf4 2. Nd2# )
(1... Qxf4 2. f6# )
For the last three solutions, see Thread 134287. The PGN's don't work right in the blog, but do work in a normal forum post.
Thomaster solved all but the helpmate in 4.
1. Nf4 Qxf5+ 2. Ne6#
(1... d5 2. cxd5# )
(1... Qxg1 2. Ng2# )
(1... exf4 2. Qe1# )
(1... b5 2. cxb5# )
(1... Na3 2. Nd2# )
(1... Kxf4 2. Nd2# )
(1... Qxf4 2. f6# )
For the last three solutions, see Thread 134287. The PGN's don't work right in the blog, but do work in a normal forum post.
Thomaster solved all but the helpmate in 4.