This is my 50th. Red Hot Pawn Blog.
Thought I’d celebrate by showing a game of mine I played last summer
on a giant chessboard the Edinburgh Museum had put up for the punters to play on.
As I live just around the corner from the Museum I spent quite a bit of
time there on my days off playing all comers.
Most games were slaughters but now and then I bumped into someone
who knew the basics or had a bit of chess in their locker.
These guys I beat because I was familiar to the giant set and they often
had an impatient spouse or child tugging at their sleeve. Consequently they
would leave a piece or their King hanging.
This following game was one of the best and has a humorous link which
I can safely say did not occur to me until a hour or so later when I was
scribbling the game down in my note book. I go one better than Tarrasch!
But first this.
So I’m ambling along Princes Street looking all cool and trendy when suddenly I see…
You cannot see the prices at the bottom of the dummy in the window but believe me
adding up the dummies hat, shirt, trousers and shoes it came to £114.
Me and my Oxfam outfit..
Hat £2.00 Jacket £4.00, t-shirt 50p, Jeans £3.00, Shoes (new) £4.00. = £13.50
Under £100 difference.
Proof you cannot buy charisma. You either have it or you do not.
(By the way I'm the dummy wearing the glasses.)
A Day at the Museum
First you should have a copy of this…
And if you don’t then your chess library is missing one of the best ever
books written on Chess. The current No1 player, Skeeter, actually has a
rare signed copy.
So you go to Game 15. Tarrasch v von Scheve, Leipzig 1894.
and on the last note to the final position… will read:
Now this.
I can link two recent threads, one about Unusual Openings and another
proclaiming 2.Qe2 as a good method of playing against the French.
This often transposes into a King’s Indian Attack however one move
the crew did not discuss was 2…e5(!). Now that’s unusual.
Black is arguing that the Queen is misplaced on e2 in an 1.e4 e5 opening.
Todays RHP argument is between ferreiraglenn - daromott RHP 2008.
I can show an amusing OTB game in this line.
White plays the Ruy Lopez with his Queen.
A. Wohl - E. Garcia Santos, Malaga 1998
Of course there are plenty of examples of this blunder trick on RHP.
Here is just one with the key pieces ending up on the same squares as the above game.
rastokap - Marassma RHP 2009
We join the game with White in check.

Thought I’d celebrate by showing a game of mine I played last summer
on a giant chessboard the Edinburgh Museum had put up for the punters to play on.
As I live just around the corner from the Museum I spent quite a bit of
time there on my days off playing all comers.
Most games were slaughters but now and then I bumped into someone
who knew the basics or had a bit of chess in their locker.
These guys I beat because I was familiar to the giant set and they often
had an impatient spouse or child tugging at their sleeve. Consequently they
would leave a piece or their King hanging.
This following game was one of the best and has a humorous link which
I can safely say did not occur to me until a hour or so later when I was
scribbling the game down in my note book. I go one better than Tarrasch!
But first this.
So I’m ambling along Princes Street looking all cool and trendy when suddenly I see…

You cannot see the prices at the bottom of the dummy in the window but believe me
adding up the dummies hat, shirt, trousers and shoes it came to £114.
Me and my Oxfam outfit..
Hat £2.00 Jacket £4.00, t-shirt 50p, Jeans £3.00, Shoes (new) £4.00. = £13.50
Under £100 difference.
Proof you cannot buy charisma. You either have it or you do not.
(By the way I'm the dummy wearing the glasses.)
A Day at the Museum
First you should have a copy of this…

And if you don’t then your chess library is missing one of the best ever
books written on Chess. The current No1 player, Skeeter, actually has a
rare signed copy.
So you go to Game 15. Tarrasch v von Scheve, Leipzig 1894.
and on the last note to the final position… will read:

Now this.
I can link two recent threads, one about Unusual Openings and another
proclaiming 2.Qe2 as a good method of playing against the French.
This often transposes into a King’s Indian Attack however one move
the crew did not discuss was 2…e5(!). Now that’s unusual.
Black is arguing that the Queen is misplaced on e2 in an 1.e4 e5 opening.
Todays RHP argument is between ferreiraglenn - daromott RHP 2008.
I can show an amusing OTB game in this line.
White plays the Ruy Lopez with his Queen.
A. Wohl - E. Garcia Santos, Malaga 1998
Of course there are plenty of examples of this blunder trick on RHP.
Here is just one with the key pieces ending up on the same squares as the above game.
rastokap - Marassma RHP 2009
We join the game with White in check.