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Beware the Lone Bishop

Beware the Lone Bishop

The Planet Greenpawn

Beware the Lone Bishop

Widget put up this picture of the In Vino Veritas Clan.

In Vino Veritas Clan

Wiget Adds:

"drdon, widget, coquette & KJCavalier... all of the other munchkins couldn't make it... "

In the film it was the Scarecrow that wanted a brain.
In the clan (I've seen their games) none of them have a brain.

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Telemark3000 - kuntakente RHP 2013

Telemark3000 sat in his room head bowed and feeling sad.
His girlfriend had gone mad and ran off with a squirrel, his rubber dinner plate company
had gone bust, his car had blown up, the fridge door had frozen shut and spiders…..
.....he hates spiders….had invaded his bathroom.

To take his downcast mind of his misery he logged onto RHP to continue a very exciting
game of chess with his new net friend Kuntakente.

The had never spoken in the months the game had been played but Telemark3000 had
felt a strange bond with Kuntakente. The kinship that exist amongst chess players.
That greenpawn fellah was always going on about it in his silly blog.

He was pleased to see RHP was telling him he had one game waiting.
His net friend Kuntakente as Black had just played 45…Qc1.

Telemark3000 examined the position and decided because his opponent was not actually threatening
anything then he would and considered the move 46.Qg4. planning to play
47.Qd7+ winning that miserable looking isolated pawn on d6.

So Telemark3000 sent 46.Qg4.

And whilst waiting a reply he sat there contemplating his spiders in the bathroom problem.

45 seconds later RHP was telling him his opponent had replied.

46…Qh1 Checkmate.

His world was collapsing him, there were spiders in the bathroom, and now this.

In a desperate attempt to cheer himself up he looked at greenpawn’s silly blog and saw…

“Telemark3000 sat in his room head bowed and feeling sad.
His girlfriend had gone mad and ran off with a squirrel, his rubber dinner…..”

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Book Review **** Book Review **** Book Review **** Book Review ****


I don’t actually have this book, nor have I read it. But I bet you it is full of chess stuff.

Book Review **** Book Review **** Book Review **** Book Review ****

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Beware the Lone Bishop.

Everyone knows that a King and Bishop cannot checkmate a lone King.
Well almost everyone….

Kathy Ames - LowPost RHP 2012

….played on from here for another 19 moves before making the discovery
that Black cannot win.

It is this non-mating fact that has prompted players into lowering their guard
and the thought that checkmate is just one move away has not entered their head.
I have dozens of examples from RHP here are just a handful.

Ashish Acharya - NimzoRevenge RHP.2009
Black to play.

Everything is ticking along and leading to a possible draw. Black finds 26…e5.

Black finds he has been checkmated.

KC Gambit - fiMiko RHP.2006
Black to play..

Opposite Coloured Bishops Always Draw. Black played 33…Be7

Opposite Coloured Bishops Always Draw…Sometimes, Here it is checkmate.

TheOneOne - rigidwithfear RHP 2009
White to play.

White has read the books. Centralise the King in the ending. 34.Ke4.

The Centralised King has been checkmated.

Checkagain - aaroncossey RHP 2006
White to play.

35.b5 looks good…..35 b5 was played.

35 b5 Bf5 Checkmate.

This next example is from a consultation game between:
Fireman Fred - Laurel & Hardy, Hollywood 1932
(CobraII - I b your huckelberry RHP 2011)

Laurel and Hardy

“Another fine mess you have got me into.”


One more.

niiczk - phygum RHP 2011

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We end with as always a cartoon.

annee (1080) - Hippy Joe (1343) RHP 2011

Black misses a chance to take White’s Queen, four moves later White misses mate in two.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 155249

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
14 Dec 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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