Carlsen v Anand 2014 + (Archangel Gabriel)

Carlsen v Anand 2014 + (Archangel Gabriel)

The Planet Greenpawn

Carlsen v Anand 2014 + (Archangel Gabriel)

The World Chess Championship between Magnus ‘Maggie’ Carlsen and
Viswanathan ‘Vishy’ Anand starts on the 5th of November 2014 in Sochi.

I’ve placed £5.00 on Vishy and if he wins I get back a whopping £18.74
Maggie is 1-4 odds on. If I bet £5.00 on him it will return a healthy £6.25.

Sochi is on the coast of the Black Sea and by a supreme feat of non imagination FIDE
have failed to hold half of this match by the Black Sea and the other half by the White Sea.

Title here

The Black Sea and the White Sea are on the other side of this globe.

I know what you thinking, “What town coasts the White Sea?” Arkhangelsk!
Yes the very same town that gave it’s name to a variation of the Ruy Lopez.

The variation is better known as The Archangel (or if your prefer cold digits ECO C78)
Apparently it was invented or studied by Soviet players in the said town and the variation
bears it’s name. Another theory (mine). Gabriel played it against Noah in the Garden of Eden.

Here is an RHP game featuring The Archangel.

JellyBeanLFC - Pawn Grabber RHP 2011

Now we look at the hack-attack with 7.Ng5.

Prefect - Chess Slayer RHP 2005

Prefect is on the wrong side of a near perfect example of how to deal with this attack.

Wonder what the odds are we will see an Archangel in the Carlsen - Anand Match?

red pawns

Let us stay with Carlsen and Anand. I’ll see if I can find some game position
where they avoided a big blunder that an RHP player merrily walk into to.

M. Carlsen - V. Anand, Linares .2009

The Skewer idea in action.

Shogun68 - Nurseman RHP 2011

V. Anand - M. Carlsen, World Blitz Moscow .2009 (Black to play)

Maggie played 30….Rxe3! the rude Rook cannot be taken because
the Queen mates on g2. Of course Vishy did not take the Rook.

This was a blitz game the following RHP game was not a blitz game.
White had days to move but appears to have moved in seconds.

I Got This - grswish RHP2012

In the 2013 World Championship match (Carlsen beat Anand 3-0 ). One game featured the tricky
(though theoretically harmless) 5.Re1 in the Berlin Defence instead of the more normal 5.d4

I found quite a funny blunder on RHP coming from this line.

samandr - Tatanka Yotanka RHP 2011

red pawns

You can see by the odds the Bookies are offering and the general comments made in Chess
Forums nobody is giving Vishy Anand much of chance at winning back his world chess title.

Be quite a feat if he did and I have 18 good reasons why I want him to win.
Nothing against Magnus . I think he is great for Chess. Though it would be good
to see him dumped back into a challengers tournament again. I’d like to see him
battling back for his crown. (But I cannot see it happening - goodbye to my £5.00)

Here is one for you to mark on your calendar. On Monday the 27th October at
noon Dominic Lawson will be playing and interviewing Carlsen on BBC’s Radio 4.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 161365
The Planet Greenpawn
Last Post
23 Jul 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10

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