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Chess Anagrams and Jigsaws

Chess Anagrams and Jigsaws

The Planet Greenpawn

Chess Anagrams and Jigsaws

Hi, an anagram of ‘Magnus Hans’ is 'U.S. Hangs Man.' An anagram of
‘Carlsen Niemann’ is 'Man Sinner Clean.' And that is as far we go with
what has been happening in the ‘adult’ world of Grandmaster chess.

Chess Jigsaw No.29.

no title

Place the missing jigsaw piece on the chessboard.

no title

Well done.

no title

White to play and win.

Whilst you are trying to figure it out I’ll give another couple of anagrams.
White to play and win = ‘won with penalty aid’ or ‘why inapt detail won.’
(as you can guess I’ve just got my hands on an anagram solver thingy.)

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(an anagram of Russ Red Hot Pawn = Password Hunter.)

OK. Back to the White to play and win study. Here is it again.

First let us have a few attempts to win this.

Try two

So we try yet again.

I found a rather instructive missed win with this set-up

ticoune - Gerald Gordon RHP 2020

When I was looking for KRN v KP endings I found 30+ Stalemates. What is happening
is after capturing the pawn the player was then trying to mate with the King, Rook and
Knight. The Knight was just getting in way and helped in creating the stalemates. Forget
the Knight, stick it in a corner and deliver mate as you would with the King and Rook.

raeford - bignig RHP 2019

White played 76. Kc4. Stalemate.

no title

raw - chessH RHP 2004

green pawns

I chanced upon this OTB game recently. Sit back and enjoy the fun that is;

N. Friedrich - J. A. Finnsson, 37th European Chess Club Cup 2022.

And to tidy up the game, the win v 2...g6.

green pawns

And in case you are wondering, an anagram of greenpawns blog is Barn Owls Egg Pen.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 195208

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
14 Dec 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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