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Chess Olympiad and the Bogolollipop

Chess Olympiad and the Bogolollipop

The Planet Greenpawn

Chess Olympiad and the Bogolollipop

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This first one is a study composed by H. Blandford published in 1961.

White to play and win.

The joy is in spotting how the Knight and Bishop choke the Rook.
Once you get the first move and spot the mating pattern (that was a clue)
then you can take great delight in watching the Rook’s attempt to stop
the mate fail to a Knight fork or the agile Bishop outmanoeuvring it.

new sol

D. Wright - M. Stean, Canterbury 1973 (Whit to play)

White took the b4 pawn. Work out how Black very neatly punished this move.

new sol

This next one is from E. Fielder in the British Chess Magazine, August 1973.

From this position you have to swap over all the pawns so you get this;

I’ve never asked you to solve anything I could not do and because I never even
tried to solve this one we shall go straight to the solution and see how to do it.

Just put the game on auto-pilot and watch. It is only 32 moves long.

green pawns

We look at a wonderful attacking game from the recent Olympiad. It was played by
Gulnar Mammadova and involves the Bogolollipop Variation of the Two Knights.
(you know who I mean, I can never spell his name, that Russian lad who played
in and lost two world Championship matches against Alekhine in 1929 and 1934.)

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5 Na5 6. Bb5+ c6 7. dxc6 bxc6

White now plays 8.Qf3 pinning the c-pawn. Black can try 8...cxb5 giving up the exchange.

There is a game on here. Yuga - Mitsurugi RHP.2007 where Black played 8...cxb5 and
after 9.Qxa8 not realising they were following a known theoretical exchange sac resigned.

A. Munoz Cortez. - G. Mammadova, Women’s Olympiad 2024
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Gulnar Mammadova The Azerbaijan Olympiad board one (picture from wikipedia)

I mentioned Ding Liren played this line as Black. Let’s have a look at it.

Yu Yangyi - Ding Liren Online Rapid Game.2020

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 200916

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
09 Dec 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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