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Days Before Databases + Rip off Chess Books

Days Before Databases + Rip off Chess Books

The Planet Greenpawn

Days Before Databases + Rip off Chess Books

Look what I've got....
Title here

...you are now drooling all down the front of your Star Wars tee-shirts.

The idea was brilliant. Print volumes of every game ever played right up until the
present day.........Then someone invented Databases and only Vol I was published.

I have all 85 of the Bourdonnais - McDonnell games in a printed format and
have been having a really great time playing over them and smelling the wood.

I'm going to give one game from this match. Not a famous one. See...
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It does not even warrant a diagram and yet this is a great game for showing.
how they played chess in those fabulous ' traps galore' golden olden days.

Bourdonnais - McDonnell, London 1834

We now look at the variation I mention with 33...Nc2

McDonnell died in 1835, Bourdonnais in 1840 both are buried in Kensall Green, London.

red pawns

Another game from the book? OK. It's sets up a theme for the week..

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The info tells me it was played in 1838 and is the 2nd game in the book between these two (CV-2).
It was a postal game (the envelope) The score of the game was obtained from the La Palamede.

Douai - Valencienne, Correspondence 1838

It's not a very good game but trust me it sets up some good RHP games

The theme of the week is this pattern.

And RHP games where this has occurred and been taken advantage of.

David McD - MasterDiscovery RHP 2007

This is an excellent example of tactical alertness.

In this next game both player were under 1200 and it hides a wealth of tactical tricks.

Brazuca - rushnrv RHP 2008

I'm not finished with that game. I think you will agree with me when
you see it, that there is a nice line in that game that needs pointing out.

And as if to prove a point this game was played between two 1300 players.
Jasen777 - sidneyoyoyo RHP 2008

We leave the theme of the week with this 'You go your way and I'll go mine' game.

LittleDonkey - dRr0x0rZZ RHP 2008

red pawns

Chess Books That Have Ripped Us Off No.37

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A picture of Bobby Fischer is on the cover.

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A picture of Boris Spassky is on the back also telling is he the former World Champion
Which informs us that this book was published in 1972. The inside blurb gives us this:

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You buy the book and rush home full of hope and expectation. This is the book that
will open new doors in your chess . You set up the board and open the book.

Title here

Each game has a one sentence introduction and nothing else.
What happened to the instruction it provides, all the important
opening innovations being carefully mapped out and explained?

A hasty flick through it will also reveal that despite the cover pictures and the year
of publication (1972) you will not find one Fischer v Spassky game. There are none!

Let us zoom into that game with no diagram and see it’s instructive introduction.

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This ‘game to remember’ is from a Simultaneous Display given at the 1967 Louisiana State Fair

J.Acers - ? Peake. Louisiana 1967

So the next time the buffs down at your local chess club are arguing about the best
chess tournament ever played.’Hastings 1895’, ‘ AVRO 1938’, ‘Zurich 53’ butt in
and tell them about the 1967 Louisiana State Fair, it produced a game to remember.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 165397

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
12 Dec 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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