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Elementary Chess and Chess Predictions

Elementary Chess and Chess Predictions

The Planet Greenpawn

Elementary Chess and Chess Predictions

Essential viewing in my house at the moment is:
Title here

I was put on this a few weeks back by a work colleague when
I happened to mention 99% of TV is rubbish and worthless.
It is an opinion I still hold but Elementary is the missing 1%.

I have binged watched through all 4½ episodes and there has
been a sprinkling of chess but nothing to get your teeth into.

Then joy of joys a complete game, an opening trap!.
It is from the episode “Bang Bang Shoot Chute”

Here is Sherlock playing 4...dxc6 in the Petroff Defence.
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And here is move for move the very same game.

Delsbeth - Lennieboy RHP 2009

This trap has a sister and I might as well show it.
chegaz (1668) - koala (1690) RHP 2006

red pawns

Next time you are at the race track and a man approaches you
with an excellent tip for a horse, make sure it is not Anish Giri..

He ‘s a very good chess player but as for predictions...
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Picked up very recently at a junk shop for £2.00. I’ve not read it,
just the back of the book blurb, that is all I usually need to do a review.

This book by Giri was published in 2015, in it he tips 10 top players who
can dethrone Carlsen. Modestly was obeyed as he did not include himself.

Giri’s tips were the Chinese trio, Wei Yi, Yu Yangyi and Ding Liren. The
others allowed to join this list were Wes So, Nakamura, Caruana, Grischuk,
Anand, Rapport and Maxime Vachier - Lagrave. (Often shortened to MVL)


Missing from the book is Sergey Karjakin who won the 2016 Candidates and
the right to play Carlsen (In case you are reading this in 2050 I’ll let you know
what happened. Carlsen retained his title in 2016 via a break after 6-6 draw.

Of course this piece of merry making at the expense of Anish Giri could
well come back to haunt me as who is to say none of the original chosen
ten will not eventually go on to one day be the Chess World Champion.
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red pawns

Let us stay with books and this one I know I bought new in 1978/79.
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Like all good chess players you should now be ignoring what ever gibberish I
am writing and will no doubt be trying to solve the (white to play) cover puzzle. .

White to Play.

Let us go through it, it is not too difficult.

I like the wee introductions and background stories Leonard Barden gives.

A. Sznapik- N. Gaprindashvili, Sandomierz, 1976 (White to play)

Black has just played 25...Qh5-g5 totally ignoring the threat of 26.Ra3.

“She’s blundered” whispered a spectator. What did Black play after 26.Ra3

I’ll do three puzzles. I never intended to, I make this blog up as I
go along. As always I put the solutions at the bottom of this page.

The £50 brilliancy prize was won with this game. Good Luck

J. Speelman - T Hemingway, Islington 1972 (Black to play)

£50 was a fair bit of money back in 1972. The magazine ‘CHESS cost 20p.
Today it is £4.95. I reckon today a 1972 £50 note is worth about £650.

The 1972 Fischer boom was just kicking in A report in a 1972 CHESS
states Islington (where the above game was played) had just broken the
world record for a week-end chess congress with well over 1,000 entries.

This last puzzle is a goody. It is from a correspondence game.

Black (to play) was C.W. Warburton, Apparently Black jumped
for joy when the postman brought the chance to pull this one off.

A. E. C. Wells - C. W. Warburton, Correspondence Chess
(No exact date for this game. It played between 1927 and 1932)

It is Black to play and jump up and down.
red pawns


The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News - Saturday 13 December 1919
red pawns


A. Sznapik- N. Gaprindashvili, Sandomierz, 1976.

J. Speelman - T Hemingway, Islington 1972

C.W. Warburton jumping for joy.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 171869

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
14 Dec 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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