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Helpmate and a Construction Task

Helpmate and a Construction Task

The Planet Greenpawn

Helpmate and a Construction Task

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I’m glad to see this lad has his priorities right.

green pawns

This puzzle caught my eye whilst flicking through an old British Chess Magazine.

Helpmate in five. By A. Thoma (sic) BCM 1978.

In a Helpmate Black goes first and both sides work together to checkmate Black.
I could see the final pattern. Black King to a7, White King to c7 get something
(that something will be a promoted Black piece on the a1 square.) and then we
can deliver check mate with the White Bishop. It took a while to get there but
eventually I did it. White’s 2nd move had me stuck till I got it. A good puzzle.


A. Thoma BCM 1978.

I came across this challenge in a 1994 BCM. 'Construct a position where White has a
King, Knight & Bishop but cannot win unless you remove either the Knight or Bishop.

Here is one solution. You are welcome to try and construct another.

Any Bishop move meets 1....axb1 =Q + mate and 1.Bb2+ cxb2 + also loses.
1. Nxc3 is a stalemate, which is best because 1. Nd2 will lose after 1...cxd2+
Remove the Bishop. 1.Na3 c2 2.Nc2 mate. Remove the Knight 1.Bb4 c2 2,Bc3 mate.

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Now an RHP game where White missed a chance to set a glorious trap.

r2king - Nimboe RHP 2010

A Bishop on g5 pinning a Queen on f6 to a King on d8 is pretty common on RHP.
1,300+ examples as opposed to the 125 I found in a my OTB database where players
are only playing one game at a time. This OTB example similar to the previous game.

I.H. Donev - H. Poettinger, Liechtenstein Open, 1995

This next one I found by chance in an old note book
Olive - Botshon, USA 1987

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The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 199070

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
12 Feb 25
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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