[b]Hi Chaps.
Solve this. It came from Leonard Barden’s Guardian column
on Saturday 13th November 2010.
Black to play and mate in 6 moves.
No it’s not. it flows like clockwork. It’s all clicks into place with checks.
Check every check and keep following the checks till you hit the mate.
Try it.
S Netto v R Acente, Paraguay 1975.
See how easy that was. I am not even going to bother to give the solution.
Once you get it you will never forget it.
What a great pity it would be if someone on here had
a chance to play such a combination but missed it.
intheories - mathemos RHP 2003
Black went ugly 34…Be4+ and mate 4 moves later.
34…Qf1+ does it in style in 3 moves.
And now this tactical tale that ended in a draw.
freddy1936 - ginka RHP 2007
It starts here with Black to play.
Black thinks he can see an overloaded Queen holding both the c1 Rook
and the d5 Bishop so plays 34….Rxd5.
White to play
White does not check his checks and thinks he has lost a piece.
However he can play 35.Rxf5 because if 35…Rxf5 36.Qc8+ Kh7
and Qxf5 is a CHECK.
And the Queen then goes to c5 to hold the Rook.
So back here.
White played 35 Qxd5 Qxc1+ 36 Kg2 and here…
Black missed the glory shot 36…Qf1+.
Instead we see the right idea but the wrong move order.
He played 36…Bh3+ and the game was drawn a few moves later.
This comedy could have been a tragedy..
White to play.
He took the perpetual with 42.Qc8+ and 43.Qf5+.
But why not go for the steele King mating idea with 42. Kg6 that looks good.
42…Qe8 mate is the answer.
Here is the full game.
freddy1936 - ginka RHP 2007
Solve this. It came from Leonard Barden’s Guardian column
on Saturday 13th November 2010.
Black to play and mate in 6 moves.
No it’s not. it flows like clockwork. It’s all clicks into place with checks.
Check every check and keep following the checks till you hit the mate.
Try it.
S Netto v R Acente, Paraguay 1975.
See how easy that was. I am not even going to bother to give the solution.
Once you get it you will never forget it.
What a great pity it would be if someone on here had
a chance to play such a combination but missed it.
intheories - mathemos RHP 2003
Black went ugly 34…Be4+ and mate 4 moves later.
34…Qf1+ does it in style in 3 moves.
And now this tactical tale that ended in a draw.
freddy1936 - ginka RHP 2007
It starts here with Black to play.
Black thinks he can see an overloaded Queen holding both the c1 Rook
and the d5 Bishop so plays 34….Rxd5.
White to play
White does not check his checks and thinks he has lost a piece.
However he can play 35.Rxf5 because if 35…Rxf5 36.Qc8+ Kh7
and Qxf5 is a CHECK.
And the Queen then goes to c5 to hold the Rook.
So back here.
White played 35 Qxd5 Qxc1+ 36 Kg2 and here…
Black missed the glory shot 36…Qf1+.
Instead we see the right idea but the wrong move order.
He played 36…Bh3+ and the game was drawn a few moves later.
This comedy could have been a tragedy..
White to play.
He took the perpetual with 42.Qc8+ and 43.Qf5+.
But why not go for the steele King mating idea with 42. Kg6 that looks good.
42…Qe8 mate is the answer.
Here is the full game.
freddy1936 - ginka RHP 2007