Hi Chaps.
Don’t’ bother looking at this.
I wrote to FIFA to see if I could take the place of Magnus Carlsen
in the World Chess Championship.
They wrote back asking what team does he played for.
OOPS Wrong FIFA, that is football.
I wrote to FIDE to see if I could take the place of Magnus Carlsen
in the World Chess Championship.
They asked if I was any good.
“I know the rules.”
Do I have a grade.
“A Grade III swimming certificate.”
Am I a male model?
I sent them this,
They said they will let me know.
Right I need a theme for this week.
How about players who have resigned when they had no need to.
tmills - evgeni burdarov RHP 2006
Black Resigned?? White has the wrong Bishop to force home the pawn.
Try it. Only an idiot would play on as White trying to win this.
In my first ever tournament in Germany 1972 I tried to win such an ending.
Of course I realised after a few moves it was impossible.
(Actually that’s a lie. The controller, who was waiting to make the next round
pairing, stopped the game declaring it a draw. I still think he robbed of ½ point.)
extremista - chr650 RHP 2008
White is in check
A choice of two moves.
1. Ka1 draws. The King cannot be forced off a1
2. 1.Ka3 losses 1…Bb3 2. Kb4 (forced) Kb2 and the pawn sails home.
White played 1.Ka3?
Same mistake, same side of the board, colours reversed.
HFRPB - zahi74 RHP 2008
Black played 1…Ka6? 2.Bb6 1-0.
daniv - Orsocurioso RHP 2007
Black Resigned?
Recap: With h-pawns and a-pawns if the Bishop does not control
the Queening square and the opposing King CAN reach the
Queening square then the game is drawn.
This is a draw no matter whose move it is.
It does not matter if there are extra pawns on the Rook files.
This is a draw.
If the Bishop DOES control the Queening square then it’s easy.
Infact it’s so easy you do not even have to promote the pawn.
sergen1976 - LightSoul RHP 2005.
This is how to do it.
OK now solve this. Study by J. Kricheli 1984
White to play and draw
Don’t’ bother looking at this.
I wrote to FIFA to see if I could take the place of Magnus Carlsen
in the World Chess Championship.
They wrote back asking what team does he played for.
OOPS Wrong FIFA, that is football.
I wrote to FIDE to see if I could take the place of Magnus Carlsen
in the World Chess Championship.
They asked if I was any good.
“I know the rules.”
Do I have a grade.
“A Grade III swimming certificate.”
Am I a male model?
I sent them this,
They said they will let me know.
Right I need a theme for this week.
How about players who have resigned when they had no need to.
tmills - evgeni burdarov RHP 2006
Black Resigned?? White has the wrong Bishop to force home the pawn.
Try it. Only an idiot would play on as White trying to win this.
In my first ever tournament in Germany 1972 I tried to win such an ending.
Of course I realised after a few moves it was impossible.
(Actually that’s a lie. The controller, who was waiting to make the next round
pairing, stopped the game declaring it a draw. I still think he robbed of ½ point.)
extremista - chr650 RHP 2008
White is in check
A choice of two moves.
1. Ka1 draws. The King cannot be forced off a1
2. 1.Ka3 losses 1…Bb3 2. Kb4 (forced) Kb2 and the pawn sails home.
White played 1.Ka3?
Same mistake, same side of the board, colours reversed.
HFRPB - zahi74 RHP 2008
Black played 1…Ka6? 2.Bb6 1-0.
daniv - Orsocurioso RHP 2007
Black Resigned?
Recap: With h-pawns and a-pawns if the Bishop does not control
the Queening square and the opposing King CAN reach the
Queening square then the game is drawn.
This is a draw no matter whose move it is.
It does not matter if there are extra pawns on the Rook files.
This is a draw.
If the Bishop DOES control the Queening square then it’s easy.
Infact it’s so easy you do not even have to promote the pawn.
sergen1976 - LightSoul RHP 2005.
This is how to do it.
OK now solve this. Study by J. Kricheli 1984
White to play and draw