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RHP 2017 Chess Christmas Quiz

RHP 2017 Chess Christmas Quiz

The Planet Greenpawn

RHP 2017 Chess Christmas Quiz

Every year I promise myself I’ll do something different and spend
11½ months trying to figure out what. No joy, so once again........
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You will be asked to find the winning and sometimes the losing move
We will start off by pulling a Christmas cracker and reading the joke.

(1) Getyourhandoutofmypocket - willysan RHP 2017 (Black to play)

Find the move that attacks both Rooks, hits f2 and gets mated in one move.

(2) cenerentola - texasnurse RHP 2017

White to play and mate in three. (not mate in four or five....mate in three.)

(3) anom asil - Farzad Farsee RHP 2017 (White to play)

It’s Christmas so here is an easy one. White to mate in 3

(4) Imnotkasparov - Leellen RHP 2017

This one will fill you with Christmas Cheer (or you will cry in utter despair.)

(5) mrtuch - brownbear RHP 2007 (Black to Play)

Find the only Black move that allows White to mate in two with a pawn move.

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I’ve often been stopped in the street and asked what is the most common error
here on Red Hot Pawn? Difficult question and I’m tempted to say it is missing
the one move threat, a tactical oversight and suddenly a piece drops off the board.

In time we should cure ourselves of this most basic of blunders but due to
the number of games we play at once, quickly flicking from one game to
another, this lemon crops up time and time again. We are all guilty of this.

So if we leave out these accidents, how about we look for an error that we mean.
Ignoring the basic piece hanging blunder, what is the chief reason for our defeats.

There will be many answers to this question, the top one that springs to mind is
that we are all crap at chess. But that is too easy. I’d say it was thoughtless pawn
moves. We cannot think of anything to do so we push a pawn and soon due to the
weak squares it creates we are looking at a lost game and sit there wondering why?

Ideas we have seen in other games also jump out us. Sometimes the idea is sound
and we win, other times the idea is sound but we somehow manage to screw it up..

Way back in juilio’s past he has seen and was impressed with Legall’s Mate.

Here, according to ‘The Oxford Companion to Chess’ is the original game.

Legall - St. Brie, Paris 1750

Time passed.....more than 250 years, and we see the RHP player juilio playing this trap.
The trouble is 3 of the times he has played it has been unsound .(twice v the same player.)

juilio - BennoSchmidt RHP 2011

White played 6. Nxe5? Bxd1? (6....Nxe5!) 7. Bxf7+ Key 8. Nd5 Mate.

juilio - kingbaz2 RHP 2013

White played 6. Nxe5? Bxd1? (6....Nxe5!) 7. Bf7+ Key 8. Nd5 Mate.

juilio - kingbaz2 RHP 2014

White played 5. Nxe5? Bxd1? (5...Nxe5!) 6. Bxf7+ Ke7 7. Nd5 Mate.

Finally (at last!) a player taught him the error of his ways.

juilio - uirafernandes RHP 2014

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This year is comes from by K. Otten who set it in 1892.

White to play and win. (solution at bottom of the page)
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In 1967 two chess tournaments were organised in Russia to celebrate
the 50th Anniversary of the U.S.S.R. Korchnoi won the tournament
held in Leningrad, Leonid Stein won the tournament held in Moscow.

Korchnoi said there was talk of inviting Fischer to one of the tournaments,
then someone thought as a propaganda exercise it would be disastrous if
a Western player won either of the tournaments so Fischer was not invited.

In the following game Korchnoi is invited to play against his pet French
Defence. He accepts the challenge and following an idea from Geller
who played it against him at blitz he ‘invents’ the Korchnoi Gambit.

V. Korchnoi - M. Udovcic, Leningrad, 1967

I will use another Korchnoi game this time to illustrate another reason why we lose.
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We get ideas, we see a trick and have not spotted the hole in our calculations.

V. Korchnoi - S. Flohr, U.S.S.R. Championship 1955

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(1) Getyourhandoutofmypocket - willysan RHP 2017 (Black to play)

Black played 34...Qf4 35. Rdg7 checkmate

(2) cenerentola - texasnurse RHP 2017

White to play and mate in three. (not mate in four or five....mate in three.)

(3) anom asil - Farzad Farsee RHP 2017 (White to play)

26. Qh6 Rg8 27. Qxh7+ Kxh7 28. Rh3 mate

(4) )Imnotkasparov - Leellen RHP 2017 (Black to play)

Black played Kf8 resulting in Qh8 mate

(5) mrtuch - brownbear RHP 2007 (Black to Play)

Find the only Black move that allows White to mate in two with a pawn move.

Black played 1....Rd8 2. Bg4+ f5 (only move) 3. gxf6 e.p. mate
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The solution to the 1892 study set by K. Otten

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 175255

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
03 Mar 25
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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