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Switchbacks and Your Chess Pass to London.

Switchbacks and Your Chess Pass to London.

The Planet Greenpawn

Here is my VIP pass to the 2013 London Chess Classic.
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Copy it out (use a colour printer) paste it to a piece of card.
stick it in a plastic folder, tie it around your neck and swan
about the 2016 London Classic like you are someone important.

If some jobs-worth security guard spots the 2013 and challenges
you then tell them you have been waiting at the door since 2013.
If that fails, bribe them. Most are as bent as a Russian Athlete.
(I’ll print some bribing money off next week for you to copy .)

Good Luck
red pawns

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I stumbled upon this game played in the 2016 British Championship.

R. Birkett - A. Kalaiyalahan 2016 British Chess Championships

I know Richard, he displayed a strange kind of chess blindness.

This error can only be explained by White missing the Queen can go back to h7.

In the heat of the battle visualising a piece already on a square
going back to the very same square is not an uncommon error.

I asked in the Chess Forum if anyone could think of a term for this type of blunder.
I knew the Problem Solving lads would have a term for it, so I pinched this book
from a posh book shop (no way was I going to pay their posh book shop prices.)
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And true enough the Problem Solving lads (bless them all) have such a term.
It’s called a ‘Switchback’. Missing one is now called a ‘Switchback Blunder’.

This is their example of a ‘Switchback’ composed by F.Salzer 1968.

White to play and mate in two.

As most of us lot could not solve, play, or even spot a mate in two,
I’ll just give the solution rather than make a genuine puzzle out it.


Threatening 2.Qa2 checkmate. So Black plays 1....Bxe6 2.Qg5 mate

The White Queen went from g5 back to g5 to give checkmate. A Switchback.

We do have RHP examples of Switchbacks and from the same h7 square.

DStew - devanlovesashley RHP 2012

White played 14. Qh4+ f6 15.Qh7 mate.

ontheclock - zonnebloem RHP 2013

White played 35.Qd7+ Kxh4 26.Qh7 mate.

As per usual I have saved the best example until last.

garythehat - jfrank72001 RHP 2010

red pawns

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rookie54 - greenpawn34 (that’s me!) RHP 2016

Now a look at hidden variation in the previous game.

red pawns

red doom

This week we shall be switching back to the Switchback Theme.
I’ll stay on the square on h7 only this time it is the Black King that
does the switching from h7 and back again only to be checkmated.

In all the games Black need not have got themselves checkmated.

schlabumski - QMartinez RHP 2015

This one is good. Black sets up a trap that White had anticipated .
C Hess - Chippy Minton RHP 2014

All of these examples are good. We must do this theme again.

JDPDX - ansar73 RHP 2012

red pawns

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 169658

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
03 Mar 25
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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