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The Birth (or berth) of a Variation.

The Birth (or berth) of a Variation.

The Planet Greenpawn

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Just one puzzle to solve this week. It tripped me up when I first tried it.

A. Korobov - A. Volokitin, Ukraine 2001

Black to play and win. Solution at the bottom.
I cannot think of a good clue without giving the solution away.

green pawns

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A tale retold from ‘The Art of Checkmate’ by Renaud and Khan.

August 1939 and boarding the good ship Piriapolis at Antwerp are
groups of chess players of various nationalities on their way to play
in the 8th Chess Olympiad being held in Buenos Aries, Argentina.

Onboard are Alexander, Czerniak, Eliskases, Friedemann, Najdorf, Golombek
and a whole host of other players including one of the authors, Victor Khan.

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The Piriapolis (which was sunk by the Luftwaffe in June 1940)

Victor Khan writes that the score of a smashing Kotov win had just been
published. The variation Kotov used was not in the latest MCO (number 6).
At that time Modern Chess Openings was a must have chess players Bible
and Victor Khan writes that everyone onboard had a copy in their possession.

During the journey everyone was analysing the game in great depth.
Here is the original game and next I’ll give a sample of their analysis.

A. Kotov - M. Yudovich USSR Championship Leningrad 1939

Sparing no expense in my research for Red Hot Pawn I bought an MCO 6
for £2.00 and the line Kotov played is not in there. I already had an MCO 7
(published in 1947) I cannot remember where or how I came by it but I can
confirm that MCO 7 has the Kotov theoretical Novelty (a TN) he is proof.

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( A lot of you will not understand descriptive hieroglyphics but it’s there. Trust me.)

Now we look at what the boys on the boat were having fun analysing..

Finally I wonder if they looked at the Double Rook sac on the ship. (they must have.)

green pawns

A. Korobov - A. Volokitin, Ukraine 2001 (the solution)
I’ll play a few moves before we get to the critical position.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 197129

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
03 Mar 25
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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