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The Blunder of 2016 (so far) and Bishops v Queens.

The Blunder of 2016 (so far) and Bishops v Queens.

The Planet Greenpawn

The Blunder of 2016 (so far) and Bishops v Queens.

Where was I? Oh yes. This DVD.
Title here

Which I finally picked up at E-Bay and watched it just a few days ago.

It’s OK. All about a lad who was a good chess player but developed some
social problems. So to give himself something to take his mind of his own
predicament and help out the poorer kids in the neighborhood he helps to
starts up this Chess Club, The Eastern Knights (which is still going today.)

Not too much chess on display. There are glimpses to show the makers knew
enough about the game but chess takes a back seat as he and his nephew bond.

One wee point. In the final to add drama they have one of the Eastern Knights
dropping two pieces in the opening. You see that in the film, they are lost thus.

Of course the loss of two pieces in the opening is for the none or casual players
to add a bit of dramatic effect. The good guy is losing but he will win in the end.

I know what your are thinking? Has any RHP game gone this way? Yes!
But sadly this one does not finish with our hero in the White hat winning.

Arionn - mfoolb RHP 2011

red pawns

Blundering away pieces is all well and expected when the lads here are playing
dozens of games at once and opening experiments are the order of the day but
how about this mega-blunder from the ongoing 2016 Tata Steel Tournament.

S. Mamedyarov (2747) - P. Eljanov (2760) Tata Steel Wijk aan Zee .2016

White, who was not in time trouble played 38.c5 leaving a Rook hanging.
A grateful Black took it and White promptly resigned. What can you say?

Same tournament produced a nice try by Mickey Adams to save a lost game.

D. Liren (2766) - M. Adams (2744) Tata Steel Wijk aan Zee 2016

I have some nice examples of Rook and Knight stalemates from RHP games.

roundersrush - tory clow RHP 2011

Next White shuns a couple of mates in one to get the stalemate.

sagator - kingquoble RHP 2011

Last one. Again stalemate was taken instead of the checkmate.

jena - jack roberts RHP 2012

red pawns

I was leafing through this book...
Title here

....and I came across this.
Title here

What is ‘Illegal Chess?’ He had a computer (HAL) in his left shoe.
No. Stanley Kubrick was playing chess in the park for money which
is actually illegal although the authorities tend to ignore the hustlers.

So no Jaw dropping fact there, however in the Oxford Companion to
Chess by Hooper and Whyld there is a case of was it meant or was it
just an unfortunate slip of the pen. I must admit it took me by surprise.
Title here

It concerns the section on Julius Perlis (1880-1913) a gifted player
who was taken from us at the age of 33 when showing great promise.

The final paragraph reads:
Title here

‘Never reached his peak’ and dying in a mountaineering accident....

Julius Perlis does have a fun Queens odds game linked to his name.

J. Perlis - N.N. 1900’s. (Black to play.)

As I said this was a Queen Odds game and J.P. is down to his last piece.
Here is how the game was meant to have finished. (It may be composed.)

We have a theme. Lone Bishops outplaying Queens.

Eif - rnarend RHP 2011
Where White instead of playing the most natural move gets too clever.

Cowrot - creams RHP 2012
White knocks back a few clear draw and walks into a self mate.

dk0009 - Sake RHP.2009
An alert White reduces Black’s Queen to a mere spectator.

D4yDre4m - Gnobody RHP 2013
White stalemates Black but the win was there.

red pawns

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 167136

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
03 Mar 25
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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