Opposite coloured Bishops! (more about Bishops later)
Now a couple of cartoons that were dotted about in a 1974 Punch book of articles
about modern children. Chess cartoons were everywhere in the Fischer boon years.

In 2018 I posted a congregation of lone Bishop Checkmates. I kicked it off with
this magnificent trap set by Harry Pillsbury in a 22 board blindfold simultaneous.
N.N. - Pillsbury, America 1902
Then I followed it up with some pre 2018 Red Hot Pawn lone Bishop checkmates.
So now, guess what? I will show some RHP lone Bishop checkmates after 2018.

For your fun and amusement I have left out the Bishop mating move.
Spot the lone Bishop mate in one and revel in the misfortune of others.
ravindave02 - matthie RHP 2022
42...Ra2 looks OK. but 42....Ra1 was played.
mickus - Josmary RHP 2022
50...Rook anywhere sensible should win. 50...Kg3 was played.
philbeans - Farzad Farsee RHP 2021
Black played 29...a5 expecting 30.bxa5 Kxc5

midknight - havastar RHP 2021
White played 41.c3.
ETAM - rmaki1 RHP 2022
With designs on the Black f6 pawn White played 50.Kf5.
Ponderable - jesse....
( That is enough of the Lone Bishop Mates greenpawn...Russ )
Just one more. This is fun.
Ponderable - jesse for blood RHP 2022
White in check and clearly winning took their eye off the board for just one move. 45. Kg5.

I know but if I did one the solution would have been here.
(greenpawn show a puzzle or else you are fired....Russ.)
Huh! I just gave six lone Bishop mate in one puzzles!
OK This one was shown to me by one of the kids I coach.
White to play and mate in two moves. Solution after the World Chess News.

This is Wei Yi who recently won Wijk aan Zee which is on the Dutch coast.
That important looking plug thing fitted to the side of the board is to heat up
the board and pieces for the GM's comfort because it is cold on the Dutch coast

I got this quite quickly because often the solution in these things is a long
Queen move 1.Qh1 was the first thing I looked at and it is the solution.

Where we do not actually look at the Budapest Gambit. Allow me to explain.
I rarely played the Budapest but I did play 1.Nf3 and if 1...d4 or 1...c5 then
I banged out 2.a4 and if, as usually happened 2...c5 or 2...d5 then 3.e5!
The Budapest reversed and the pawn on a4 comes in very handy, see this game.
There is only one RHP game with this position so off you go create some more
G. Chandler - R. Austin, Edinburgh Summer Cup 1977
The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 199224