I see once again the tale of the Lewis Chess/Gaming Pieces is making
the rounds again.
I have been having fun on and off with this subject for 10 years.
The latest argument is about the Bishop.
The Bishop was not introduced to chess till the Spanish put one on
the board in the early 1500’s.
So what is a Bishop doing in chess set carved in the 11th century.
(or about then, dates seem to differ but it was no later than 1200.)
I reckon the Bishop was always there but it was not a Bishop.
I went to the Edinburgh Museum where they have 11 of the pieces on display.
This is how they sell them and how they set up on the board.
This is how they should be placed.
All I have done is swap over the Bishop and Rook.
So when they saw a Bishop amongst the pieces in 1831 they put it on
the Bishop’s square. (a mistake that has lay unchallenged till today.)
The Bishop was carved NOT to be a Bishop, but to be a Rook.
End of argument. Let’s see what has been happening in the RHP Championship.
Games finished: 6541. White wins 3268 Draws 221 Black wins 3061.
The headline in The Metro April 17 2012.
So by a fantastic leap of the imagination I thought I’d look for
some Championship games were a Knight delivered the mate.
haritini - averagepianist RHP Ch 2012
Where the average pianist hits the wrong the note.
Lasker said one should develop Knights before Bishops and these Knight
belong on the Bishop 3rd square. c3, f3 and c6 and f6.
OK a teeny weenie bit dogmatic but good advice never the less.
OneUpliftMofo - ChemicalEdge RHP Ch 2012
Lasker also said if you see a good move then sit on your hands
and find a better one. This is very sound advice.
Swiss Toni - kingphish RHP Ch 2012
This next one is one of the best games ever seen on Red Hot Pawn.
It belongs in the books next to the games of Morphy, Fischer, Kasparov etc.
It’s such a work of supreme calculation and creativity that I may infact
get the final position tattooed on my chest.
When I showed this game to my friends they whooped with joy and demanded
that I find out who the winner really is so they could name their first born after him.
I will be sending this game to…..
(That’s enough of Knight Mates for this week……..Russ)
Staying with the Exchange French.
Pariah325 - Lightbug RHP Ch 2012
Right what next? Oh yeah the hat.
I picked up this…
And as it was 100 years ago this month that the Titanic sunk so I put it on.
And went to the seaside…er….that’s it.
(You cannot leave it like that…you need a chess link……Russ)
Captain Evans worked for the White Star Line Company and it….
(is this true…..Russ)
I’ve no idea…..
Captain Evans worked for the White Star Line Company and it was onboard
one of their ships ‘The Skylark’ he invented the Evans Gambit.
Here is an Evans Gambit from the RHP Championship.
geo86012 - hfrcan jouwe RHP Ch 2012
We finish with the usual array of blunders.
rockatansky (1428) - jcozec (1974) RHP Ch 2012
Black’s one slack move goes unpunished.
gording (1139) - DragonLady (935) RHP 2012
Black misses a chance to poke fun at the White Queen and win the game.
We conclude with what could have been the perfect trap.
It had two nooses for White to step into. White saw the first and jumped
over it right into the 2nd noose.
Alas Black did not realise he had set two traps.
Don’t tell me there is no luck in Chess.
tacomakeeg (1483) - highmush (1289) RHP Ch 2012
The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 146288
I see once again the tale of the Lewis Chess/Gaming Pieces is making
the rounds again.
I have been having fun on and off with this subject for 10 years.
The latest argument is about the Bishop.
The Bishop was not introduced to chess till the Spanish put one on
the board in the early 1500’s.
So what is a Bishop doing in chess set carved in the 11th century.
(or about then, dates seem to differ but it was no later than 1200.)
I reckon the Bishop was always there but it was not a Bishop.
I went to the Edinburgh Museum where they have 11 of the pieces on display.
This is how they sell them and how they set up on the board.

This is how they should be placed.

All I have done is swap over the Bishop and Rook.
So when they saw a Bishop amongst the pieces in 1831 they put it on
the Bishop’s square. (a mistake that has lay unchallenged till today.)
The Bishop was carved NOT to be a Bishop, but to be a Rook.
End of argument. Let’s see what has been happening in the RHP Championship.
Games finished: 6541. White wins 3268 Draws 221 Black wins 3061.

The headline in The Metro April 17 2012.
So by a fantastic leap of the imagination I thought I’d look for
some Championship games were a Knight delivered the mate.
haritini - averagepianist RHP Ch 2012
Where the average pianist hits the wrong the note.
Lasker said one should develop Knights before Bishops and these Knight
belong on the Bishop 3rd square. c3, f3 and c6 and f6.
OK a teeny weenie bit dogmatic but good advice never the less.
OneUpliftMofo - ChemicalEdge RHP Ch 2012
Lasker also said if you see a good move then sit on your hands
and find a better one. This is very sound advice.
Swiss Toni - kingphish RHP Ch 2012
This next one is one of the best games ever seen on Red Hot Pawn.
It belongs in the books next to the games of Morphy, Fischer, Kasparov etc.
It’s such a work of supreme calculation and creativity that I may infact
get the final position tattooed on my chest.
When I showed this game to my friends they whooped with joy and demanded
that I find out who the winner really is so they could name their first born after him.
I will be sending this game to…..
(That’s enough of Knight Mates for this week……..Russ)

Staying with the Exchange French.
Pariah325 - Lightbug RHP Ch 2012

Right what next? Oh yeah the hat.
I picked up this…

And as it was 100 years ago this month that the Titanic sunk so I put it on.

And went to the seaside…er….that’s it.
(You cannot leave it like that…you need a chess link……Russ)
Captain Evans worked for the White Star Line Company and it….
(is this true…..Russ)
I’ve no idea…..
Captain Evans worked for the White Star Line Company and it was onboard
one of their ships ‘The Skylark’ he invented the Evans Gambit.
Here is an Evans Gambit from the RHP Championship.
geo86012 - hfrcan jouwe RHP Ch 2012

We finish with the usual array of blunders.
rockatansky (1428) - jcozec (1974) RHP Ch 2012
Black’s one slack move goes unpunished.
gording (1139) - DragonLady (935) RHP 2012
Black misses a chance to poke fun at the White Queen and win the game.
We conclude with what could have been the perfect trap.
It had two nooses for White to step into. White saw the first and jumped
over it right into the 2nd noose.
Alas Black did not realise he had set two traps.
Don’t tell me there is no luck in Chess.
tacomakeeg (1483) - highmush (1289) RHP Ch 2012
The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 146288