Rare chess books are a speciality of mine. I don’t have any.
However I bet only a few of you have this classic from 1957
written by none other than Richard Ellington (Duke’s elder brother.)
As you can guess from the cover it all about the dangers of leaving
your Queen with no escape squares. Here is an RHP example.
bignorm13 - Born2chess RHP Ch. 2014
r2q1rk1/pbpp1ppp/1pnb1n2/4p3/2B1P3/P1NP1N1P/1PP2PP1/R1BQ1RK1 w - - 0 9
[FEN "r2q1rk1/pbpp1ppp/1pnb1n2/4p3/2B1P3/P1NP1N1P/1PP2PP1/R1BQ1RK1 w - - 0 9"]
9. Nd5 Nxd5 10. Bxd5 Qe7 11. Bd2 {A waiting move. What is White waiting for. White is waiting for Black to play a natural developing move.} 11... Rae8 {Bringing a Rook into the game. A natural developing move.} 12. Bg5 {And Black has lost his Queen.}
And another, this time it’s the White Queen that is the patsy.
Juman - Ulf RHP Ch. 2014
r1b4r/ppp2pk1/2np1qpp/4p3/4P3/1QPP1N1P/PP3PP1/R3KB1R w KQ - 0 12
[FEN "r1b4r/ppp2pk1/2np1qpp/4p3/4P3/1QPP1N1P/PP3PP1/R3KB1R w KQ - 0 12"]
12. O-O-O Rb8 13. Be2 b5 14. Qd5 Rb6 {White suspects nothing. His Queen is very short of squares.} 15. a3 {OK this gives the Queen the square a2 but the White Queen is still very short of squares.} 15... Be6 {The White Queen is lost. We continue with the game. Watch with eyes open at how Black wrapped it up.} 16. g4 Bxd5 17. exd5 b4 {Excellent. Black is not averse to returning back some material to open up the White King and use his extra Queen. If dxc8 then bax3 and the pawn cover is stripped away.} 18. cxb4 Nxb4 {Look and learn boys. Black is not going to be stopped from getting at the White King.} 19. axb4 Rxb4 20. Kc2 e4 21. dxe4 Qxb2+ 22. Kd3 Rb3+ 23. Kc4 Qc3 {That's checkmate. A lesson from an RHP player. Don’t just play legal moves when winning, get at the King.}
Well that is the end of the book review see you next week.
(Show them someone winning a Queen and then losing……..Russ)
In the previous example we saw Ulf winning a Queen and forcing his way to the
White King. In this game Black wins a Queen and soon has two Queens, but losses.. .
Sit back and rejoice in the once in a lifetime chance White missed.
PBSAndreas - de nar RHP Ch. 2014
8/2rk4/r5Q1/1pp2pP1/1P2pP2/Pq1pP3/1B1R1K2/7R w - - 0 42
[FEN "8/2rk4/r5Q1/1pp2pP1/1P2pP2/Pq1pP3/1B1R1K2/7R w - - 0 42"]
42. Rh7+ Kd8 {Now Rh8+ and mate in a few.} 43. Qf6+ {Well that is just brilliant.} 43... Rxf6 {White has chucked his Queen. He can get bit a of play for it but Black should weather any storm White can kick up.} 44. Rh8+ Rf8 45. Rxf8+ Ke7 46. Rh8 cxb4 47. g6 bxa3 48. Rh7+ {Now Black has to play Kd8.} 48... Kd6 {The wrong square. White is back in the game. Anything can happen now.} 49. Be5+ Kd5 50. Rxc7 a2 {Black starts a pawn race. Black will promote first but in pawn races it’s not who promotes first, it is who gets in the first check and this will be White.} 51. g7 a1=Q {Black has two Queens and White played g8=Q mate. Why? How many times in a lifetime will anyone get the chance to under promote to a Bishop when two Queens down. White should have played...} 52. g8=B {Checkmate. Don’t think of simply finishing the game. Go pretty. Think of The Blog. Finishes like that me and the readers on here simply lap up. }
Emanuel Lasker said when you see a good move sit on your hands and look for a better one.
Lasker never played on the internet. If he had been around today he would have said:
“If you see a good move. Unplug your mouse and look for a better move.”
kingquoble - forkedknight RHP Ch. 2014
5rk1/5pp1/1Rp1p3/1b1pq2p/6nP/4PQP1/2P2R1K/r7 w - - 0 24
[FEN "5rk1/5pp1/1Rp1p3/1b1pq2p/6nP/4PQP1/2P2R1K/r7 w - - 0 24"]
24. Kg2 Nxe3+ 25. Kh3 Bf1+ 26. Kh2 Ng4+ 27. Kg1 {In the game Black played Be2 discovered check and took the White Queen and won very easily. However, did Black consider looking for a quicker and neater win by sacrificing his own Queen.} 27... Qxg3+ 28. Qxg3 Bh3+ 29. Rf1 Rxf1 {Three pieces always mate and none of them have to be a Queen. Try not to relax when polishing off your won games. You may end up chucking one so stay alert (and check all checks.)}
I’ll stay with this mini theme on the object of the game, which
in case you have forgotten is to Checkmate the enemy King.
alcudiajambo - RudySA RHP Ch. 2014 (White to play}
What is the first thing you see? Taking the Queen or checkmating the King
White took the Black Queen with Qxc3 and went onto win but Rd8 is Checkmate.
I picked up this for 10p.
The New York Post for Saturday the 27th August, 1988.
Why? Because it has a Chess Column in it, that is why.
In the days before the internet this was your source for up to date news and any TN’s.
This column mentions that Dimitry Gurevich won the U.S. Open pocketing $5000.
It was run over two weeks and the main controversy was the ‘Lazy Man’s ‘ format.
This means you skip the first week joining in on the fun in the 2nd week with 4½ pts.
The plan being to encourage the working man to enter. (more than 600 had entered).
But this only encouraged the professional players to start with a 4½ pt. bye.
Those that took advantage of this included Max Dlugy, Larry Christiansen and Lev Alburt
In the given game, Bonin - Gurevich. Black had a Queen v Rook and Knight.
White should have played 37.Rf8 the Queen fork 37…Qg7 fails to 38.Rf7+.
Instead 37.Rc5 was played and Black replied 37..Qh8 winning the pinned Knight.
So I ran through the 2014 RHP Championship to see if we had any Q v R+N games.
I found this game which throws up an instructive moment. It has signposts that you look
out for in your games that tell you when to STOP! and look for tactical tricks and shots
jonesthewine - historybites RHP Ch. 2014 (Black to play)
Black should have played 35... Qa6 36. Nf4 Qa1+ 37. Kc2 Qc3+ 38. Kb1 b3.
Black will mating in a few moves. Let us see how the game went.
2q3k1/6p1/8/8/1pPP4/4pP2/4N1P1/2KR4 w - - 0 35
[FEN "2q3k1/6p1/8/8/1pPP4/4pP2/4N1P1/2KR4 w - - 0 35"]
35. c5 Qe6 {As I said above Qa6 was winning.} 36. d5 Qe5 37. Kc2 Qh2 38. Rd3 Qh7 {Now that is a good move but Black did not follow it up correctly.} 39. Nd4 {This looks OK, the White Knight is keeping an eye on both pawns (so therefore he is overloaded.) Black played g5 and lost. When you have passed pawns on the 5th and 6th rank always look for promotion combinations. We have an overloaded Knight and a pinned Rook. So start looking for tricks.} 39... b3+ {The first step is of course to Check all Checks. The King cannot take this annoying pawn but White saw this move coming, that is why he played Nd4.} 40. Nxb3 e2 {The Knight cannot cover the Queening square, The Rook is still pinned so....} 41. Kd2 e1=Q+ {Or Qxd3+ what ever takes your fancy.} 42. Kxe1 Qxd3 {Black is looking good and should win, sadly he lost this by not stopping and recognising the dire situation of the White pieces.}
This one is good. Klazie - jalanopi RHP 2007 (White to play)
White plays a combination that wins a very expensive Black Queen.
Who would have thought that White’s back rank would prove weak in 6 moves time.
1r1nk2r/1b1q3p/3p2pB/1p1Bpp2/8/2P2Q2/2P2PPP/3RR1K1 w k - 0 20
[FEN "1r1nk2r/1b1q3p/3p2pB/1p1Bpp2/8/2P2Q2/2P2PPP/3RR1K1 w k - 0 20"]
20. Bxb7 {The combination starts.} 20... Nxb7 21. Rxe5+ {Black has no choice but to go along with the White's plan Kf7 runs into Qd5+ and Kd8 gets shot with Bg5+ and Rd7.} 21... dxe5 22. Rxd7 Kxd7 {But Black is OK here . He has two Rooks for the Queen, if he can get them teamed up he will be OK. White should now create a safety valve with h3 but he is not finished with his tricks. He can win the Black e5 pawn.} 23. Qd5+ Nd6 24. Bg7 Rhe8 {White ignores his weak back rank and snaffles the pawn.} 25. Bxe5 {White can point out that he is threatening mate in two. Qxd6+ and Qc7 Checkmate. Meanwhile....} 25... Rxe5 26. Qxe5 Re8 {...Black can point out that White must give up his Queen or get stabbed in the back rank . White resigned. The check…. } 27. Qg7+ {….does not save White.} 27... Re7 {The Queen is still under attack the checkmate with Re1 is still on. Excellent alert play from Black.}
If you ever get a PM from a lad calling himself Datafly offering to sell you things. Delete it.
I failed to do this and when I read his offer on mugs.com of a pocket chess set for £5.00. look what arrived.
The picture of the box looks OK until you open it.
I cannot play Chess with this. I’ve been chiselled. Since when has 1.e6 been a move.
I need to do this to get a proper game:
or this….
You have been warned! Do not send this cad any money.
We started with Queens getting mugged, we shall end on the same note.
This 400 year old trap first spotted by Greco in 1610 has so many victims (100+ on here)
I have no doubt at all that in another 400 years it will still be catching the unwary.
infomast - larry the lick RHP Ch. 2014
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 Nxe4 {Asking for trouble. 3...d6 and then Nxe4 is the way.} 4. Qe2 {Black can try here 4...Qe7 meeting 5.Qxe4 with d6. The pure version of the trap is Black moving the e5 Knight and losing his Queen to Nc6+.} 4... d5 5. d3 {Again Qe7 is the move.} 5... Nc5 {That's it. Thousands of Black Queens have been lost this way.} 6. Nc6+ Kd7 7. Nxd8 {White went onto win.}
To make it up to the more experienced players who have seen and very likely pulled
off this trap before, I offer you this piece of merriment. Once you have seen it you will forgive me.
This game features a double check. The first time I saw a double check I thought.
“Wow! That is just like getting your flesh burned off by two Invading Martians.!
I’m always thinking of invading Martians, I rarely think of anything else.
When I have one of my disastrous opening ideas over the board it’s like…
And when I play a really good player I feel like a…
rmajoran - Daily Knight RHP 2011
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 Nxe4 4. Qe2 Nf6 {White now misses the chance to win the Queen with Nc6+ instead he goes for the h8 Rook.} 5. Ng6+ Be7 6. Nxh8 {White has a Rook in his rucksack but the Knight is trapped. In effect all he has won is the exchange. Most would have preferred winning the Queen.} 6... Kf8 {Actually a sly move. It looks like Black is heading off to pick up that h8 Knight. But in truth he vacating e8 for the lucky Black Queen.} 7. Qc4 {This threatens mate with Qxf7.} 7... d5 {Black stops the mate and....} 8. Qb3 Qe8 {...crosses his fingers. White must not move that d-pawn.} 9. d4 {OOPS! Check all Checks and double check all double checks.} 9... Bb4+ {Duel Daggers. The King must move when Double Checked.} 10. Kd1 Qe1 {Checkmated by the Black Queen who life was spared back on move 5.}