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The Queen Stab in the Back and Crossword

The Queen Stab in the Back and Crossword

The Planet Greenpawn

The Queen Stab in the Back and Crossword

Keeping up the three week old tradition of moving chess books covers.
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Let me know when you get bored....I have over 500 chess books.
red pawns

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You get four clues and if you answer them correctly you will spell out
the name of a famous chess player in the shaded areas of the crossword.
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Shut up Duck you are ruining it. I’ll do it again.
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1 .across: Name of a chess piece found in the brook.
2. across: A backward pawn on an open file is called ....
3. across: The object of the game is check....
4 across: If you do not play d4 in the Sicilian you are play an .... Sicilian.
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red pawns

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I’ve been playing in the One Day Ladder Thingy Thing. So far been lucky
as have yet to land on a snake and slide down (Snakes and Ladders gedit.?)

I’ve climb up 9 pages from 20 games using my strategy of challenging players that
have a lot of games on the go at the same time. Whilst I just stick to my one game.

All the games have had their moments these are two recent efforts.

greenpawn34 - Rhymester RHP One Day Ladder 2016

The next one features a Classic Bishop Sac with a Drunken Knight. I’ll explain.

In a usual Classic Bishop sac you have this set up.

1 Bxh7+ Kxh7 then 2 Ng5+ Kh8 and 3 Qh5 Here is an example from last year.

jb70 - tjx24 RHP 2015

As I mentioned one must always consider the Kg6 defence.

ZAPZ - Checkagain RHP 2010

I’ll show the standard mating routine in the Kg8 line.

ZAPZ - Checkagain RHP 2010 (analysis)

But when we have a Drunken Knight which are White Knights on h3 or a3
things have a new twist. Witness the cold cunning of White in this game.

Mathurine - Annikki RHP 2011

Which sets everything up nicely for my other game in the one day ladder.

Octavm - greenpawn34 RHP One Day Ladder 2016

Queen Stabs in the Back are rare. You see 100’s of Queen stabs in the side.

Black plays 1.Qxd1 - millions of them for both colors but rarely.

Black has just taken a Rook on d1. That is a pure Back Stab.

I’ve only found two Black Stabs in the back on RHP, here is one.

MechE - Natural Science RHP 2004

The solution to the crossword.
Title here

Next week it's Russian Word Search.

If you have anything to say or add then please use Thread 168049

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
12 Feb 25
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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