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The RHP Chess Blog 2010 - 2020

The RHP Chess Blog 2010 - 2020

The Planet Greenpawn

The RHP Chess Blog 2010 - 2020

Title here

It’s been 10 years so I thought I would knock together 10 years of the odd stuff.
No games, or positions, just a load of memories that some may not have seen or
others may have forgotten about. I will kick off with something new because it’s
quite brilliant. After that it’s a pretty long trip down a 10 year old memory lane.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed putting this thing together.

This mate in 9 (don’t fret I am not going to ask you to solve it) was composed by
Konrad Bayer (1828-97) and is known as ‘The Immortal Problem’ you will see why.

the spot

A postcard from Capablanca to Alekhine.
postcard front

postcard back

An RHP member sent in a picture of him and his sister playing the
Icelandic Gambit on an Iceberg in Iceland! (I cannot beat that.)

Another member pointed me towards this tee-shirt. Apparently 100 were printed.
tee shirt

My take on people cheating in the toilets.

Carlsen queens

And you cannot say I never kept you up to date with things.
joke 1

joke 2

chandler idiot

I went to Lindores Abbey to see Carlsen, Anand, Ding Liren,
Karjakin and...er...Danny King. After they left I sat in Carlsen’s chair
GM’s sitting

Me in the hot seat

Edward Winter’s site put me onto this book. How could they get that date wrong?
Fischer 1972 wrong

RHP clues

The Duck went all over the world, USA, Vietnam, South Africa.
duck custom

duck in box

duck on cap car

duck at marshal

Duck at Yale

duck pic

duck in Mexico


A Self Portrait
self portrait 2

self one

I spotted the great and the good wearing these terrible sponsors jackets
players in jackets

So I designed them new snazzy and practical jackets.
new jacket design

Confession Time: I did a blog intro using this..
island earth

...because there was a picture of Morphy in the film...
bogus morphy

....but it was me messing about with Photoshop.
This too is someone else’s Photoshop effort (obviously)
Fischer v Karpov

This is not a Photoshop repro. It's a genuine picture from a Karpov simul.
karpov v fish simul

I bought chess coasters because I was fed up...

...using my chess books to put my coffee on.
chess books

The copy is pretty poor but it is the marriage certificate proving
that Paul Charles Morphy married Mildred Lucinda Clutterbutt
on June 17th 1863 at The Latter Day All Saints Church at 3 pm.
(I sent it off to that well historian Ed Summers for authentication.)
marriage license

I moves into a house shaped like a Rook!
the rook house

I painted Carlsen
painting carlsen

duck liar

A book about pins on a chessboard.

carlsen RHP

queen takes bishop

Pics of me trying not to look like a geek.
me giant knight


me railway station

me bells

The Arnold Denker Advert

The artwork of Gerrard Oswald
gerrard o

The participants of 1920 British Championships
old boys

I found the exact same spot where they took the picture.
loads of me

A prophetic cartoon from CHESS 1946...
comp cartoon

...and the following piece was attached to it.
the quote


chess socks

Here I am playing a shop dummy - I lost!
me and Indian

morphy opponent


I put money on the wrong guy.
betting slip

I tried some merchandising

merchandising 2

A game for those to lazy to click a mouse.
a chess board

I went into the pop record business.
Chess record

Rook knight

Messing about making book covers that move.

chess mind

moving gif

Some of the RHP gang paid the Carlsen - Karjakin match a visit.

Karjakin handling the media in the 2016 match.
Karjakin media

We never did discover why Kramnik has on a blindfold.
Kramnik blind

Kramnik 2

After using this I spent ages finding a Knight mate v a Sicilian Dragon,
dragon joke

me scout top

happy new year

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 187833

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
02 Mar 25
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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