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Three Different Chess Blunders

Three Different Chess Blunders

The Planet Greenpawn

Three Different Chess Blunders

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This was the official place mat at the 2024 Senior Team even in Krakow.

In this game Black played what was judged the worst OTB blunder of 1990.

R. A. Gomez - J. A. Gutierrez, Zaragoza 1990. (Black to play)

1...Nc5 Apparently relying on the fact that the d-pawn is pinned. There are three
major things wrong with this move. Your job is to find all three winning replies.

2. Bxd6 which was played. 2...Qxd6 3.dxc5 wins a piece.1-0

2. Qxc5 Bxc5 3. Bxc7 wins a piece.

2. dxc5 Rxc4 3.Rxe8+ and 4. cxd6 is an easy White win,

White to play and win. (solution below)

An instructive position containing a practical and easily missed idea.

This next one is a toughie from Troitsky composed in 1895.

White to play and draw. Give it a go I ll give you a very helpful clue.

The clue. Brano Breznicky - Homer1Simpson RHP 2017

Black played the hasty 42...Kxd6 stalemate. The Queen covering
most of flight squares and the Bishop preventing Kh4 is the clue

green pawns

I was having a minor clear out. This where I do not actually throw anything out but
move the stuff around. I came across this copy of an August 1993 copy of CHESS

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I had written on the cover Adams note page 4. OOPS! So I looked inside,
here I admit I was looking for any excuse to stop moving chess stuff about.

M. Adams - A. Yusupov, Munich 1993 and in this position

Mickey played 25.g4 and added a note right after this move.

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After 25.Rd1 Black has mate in three.

I was going to make this part of this weeks quiz but deemed it was too easy.
Thanks to computers these wee mistakes are quite rare these days but even so
they sometimes sneak in (and I am certainly not going to cast the first stone.)

chess news 1

Currently everyone is having a chuckle at an internet game where Firouzja
resigned after 9 moves The idea was first mentioned by Carl Schlecter in 1911.

Caruana - Firouzja, chess.com 2024.

And yes we do have an RHP example.

Even I have a game based on this theme.

jcspessanha - greenpawn34 RHP 2017

A video of the Caruana - Firouzja game and the commentators reaction.

end chess news

new sol

The Troitsky Study (variation one)

The Troitsky Study (variation two)

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 200254

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
14 Dec 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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