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Unheard Melody + Puzzles + Capablanca's Tears

Unheard Melody + Puzzles + Capablanca's Tears

The Planet Greenpawn

Unheard Melody + Puzzles + Capablanca's Tears

Don’t blame me. Blame…I can’t remember his name…I lost a blitz game
because I missed a simple checkmate in two by trying to be a clever dick.

Punishment in such cases is swift and sure. Solve six simple Checkmates.
I had to solve them so you have to solve them. It’s the RHP Blog rules.

The postions have been taken from this book

In all cases White is to play and checkmate in two moves.
They are not difficult. The solution is under each position.

1.Rg7+ fh8 or Kh8 then 2.Rg8 mate.

1.Nxa7+ Kd7 2.Bb5 mate.

1.Bf7+ Kg4 2.h3 mate.

1.Rh8+ Kg5 2.Rh5 mate.

I’m bored setting theses things up…let’s move onto the next bit.

red pawns

Unheard Melody

An unheard melody is an unplayed combination usually of a beautiful nature
that has been relegated to a mere game note and never appeared on the board.

History has given us many examples. Perhaps the most famous is:

Schiffers - Chigorin St Petersburg, 1897

This next one has a happier ending, the player missing the combo went onto win.

Tarrasch - Kurschner Nuremberg, 1889

The RHP Unheard Melody has to be the following game.

kiadvent - benda RHP 2012 (part I The Unheard Melody )

kiadvent - benda RHP 2012 (part II The Heard and Witnessed Disaster.)

red pawns

Not quite in the unheard melody category but never the less nice and instructive.

The Queen Skewer.

lfcstu - Geoffrey Darling RHP 2012

Red Hot Pawn moves that raised Casablanca’s eyes in despair.

A new feature where we look at RHP endgame play in all it’s glory.

Dasa - dirtysniper RHP 2011

Next White misses a win by not losing a tempo with triangulation.
tone5 - dd22 RHP 2014

One slack move and Capablanca faints.

celtictiger - odoodsdudes RHP 2014

As usual saved the best till last. In the space of three moves White goes
from having a won game, to having a drawn game to having a lost game.

markonix333 - nikolamiletic 2014

red pawns

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 163439

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
22 Jan 25
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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