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World Cup RHP Championship + The Maradona Mate

World Cup RHP Championship + The Maradona Mate

The Planet Greenpawn

World Cup RHP Championship + The Maradona Mate

The 2014 World Cup is upon us so why not do a World Cup RHP Championship report?

World Cup 1

The World Cup started off with an own goal so I will kick off with an own goal.

Thaba - ParShooter RHP Ch. 2014 (White to play)

9.h3 looks good. Instead White passed the ball back to his goalie and castled.

Checkmate. The manager was sacked, the fans rioted and the goalie took up chess.

World Cup 2

I like having a wee flutter on the World Cup. Here we perm any one from three.

Copope - apsol RHP Ch. 2014

Black has just played Rxd1+ White has three ways to take back.

Nxd1 drops the c1 Rook.
Rxcd1 drops the c3 Knight
Qxd1 looks good and is correct.

White dropped the ball and played Nxd1 Black picked up a Rook with Qxc1 0-1.

World Cup 1

In this game White’s Queen was shown a red card after only 4 minutes.

Brother Edwin - andythekiller RHP CH. 2014

1. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. Qxd4 Nc6 4. Qc3

4.Qe3 is the accepted move here. But White played 4.Qc3 and resigned after 4..Bb4.

World Cup 2

A White Knight is caught in offside trap.
This is good. Press play and watch the action replay.

shawnsea - FERQUIROS RHP Ch. 2014

World Cup 1

In Billca - grandmasteryoda RHP Ch. 2014

Black brought on all his subs ….……and won.

World Cup 2

Ken Pierce - Zugswangzuks RHP 2014

What is the equivalent in football of a player resigning in a won position?

World Cup 1

granO2 - RistauTR RHP Ch 2014

White misses a sitter and then scores an own goal.

Here White failed to play 16.Nf6+ picking up the Black Queen.

Same game White played 27.Qe6 and looked in horror as the ball bounced over the line 27…Qxg2 mate.

World Cup 2

curmudgeon - dmann RHP Ch 2014

With an open goal in front of him White kicks the ball into his own net.

White refused to play 17.Qe8 checkmate instead he allowed Back to play Qxf2+.

One move later White refused to play 19.Qxg4 and was mated in two moves.

World Cup 1

Here we witness the first 0-0 game of the Championship.
A stalemate. But in the very last minute White missed a penalty.

douneedajacket - tamperman RHP 2014
(Those of you who are keeping an RHP Database called ‘Chamber of Horrors’ - add this one.)

World Cup 2

Red Knight 63 (1431) - grandmasteryoda (2100) RHP Ch. 2014

We nearly saw a giant killing act in this one when White missed winning a whole Rook.

Black leading 1-0 ( the exchange up) plays out time with 33…Rc2.

We now have undefended players on c2 and e8. 34.Qa4 would have picked one up.

Alas White missed it and shot wide, Black saw the win home.

World Cup 1

WelshWhirlWind - RickatSF RHP Ch. .2014
The White coach was seen screaming from the touchline…
Cheack All Checks

White can pick up the e4 Knight with 7.Qa4+. White played 7.b4 and Black played….

7….Bxf2 Checkmate, then ran around his house pulling off his shirt and kissing his keyboard.

World Cup 2

We just saw WelshWhirlWind slip up in the mud..

Look how Welsh Witch - sprocket RHP Ch. 2014 finished.

That is a Family Fork Checkmate. New term - A Maradona Mate.

World Cup 1

And another own goal

Pagan13 - sardodos RHP 2012 (Black to play)

We have seen players castling Kingside into mate in one.

Black castled Queenside not noticing the winger could put in a good cross.

14. Nb6 Checkmate.

World Cup 2

A nice calm piece of play from Black on his own goal line.

Zenic - kuntakente 2014

World Cup 1

A 1-1 draw where both sides missed clear wins.

AntonyofUK - Billca RHP .2014

In this position with White to play:

White traded down to a won ending with Rf8. There is a win here.

Same game White is 1-0 up and seeing out the game.

World Cup 2

Bruin (1631) - mikeysjfc (1271) RHP CH.2014

Another chance for an upset went a begging here. (Black to play)

White has Nb5+ and Rc1+ up his sleeve. The next Black move is critical.
You must recognise critical positions, STOP! and give them more thought.
In the game Black played 28…Bb7 and was soon mated after 29.Nb5+ .

World Cup 1

And there goes the full time whistle.

Results in so far in the 2014 RHP Championship.
Played: 5460: White wins: 1248. Black wins: 1113. Drawn: 76.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 159749

World Cup 2

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
14 Dec 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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