Too many games! Not enough time! After 3 years I am too tired and I desparately need a break.
I will continue running my clan and club but will not take on any new games except for on going tournaments until at least January 2010.
Rating Trend
Rated Won / Drawn / Lost
All Rated
1071 games
As White
552 games
As Black
519 games
- Games Played
- 1182
- Rated
- 1071
- Won
- 845
- Lost
- 127
- Drawn
- 210
- In Progress
- 0
- All Moves
- 30390
- Moves This Month
- 0
- Tourn. Entry Rating
- 2090
Rated Color
1071 games
801 games
80 games
190 games
Rated Timeouts
91 games
0 games
Highest Rating | 2090 | 2095 | 2095 |
Average Rating | 2090 | 2071 | 1951 |
Lowest Rating | 2090 | 2052 | 1437 |
Opponent Average Rating | 1826 | 1805 | 1567 |
Games Rated | 1 | 30 | 1071 | 90 days | 1 Year | 5 Years |
Affiliated Clans
No affiliated clans
Affiliated Clubs
We aim to be the cleanest club on the site by allowing only genuine OTB players in. We aim to have a maximum in the region of 100 active members (i.e. members playing > 10 games a month) and will only evict inactive members after at least 100 days.
- Members
- 140
- Tournaments
- 62
- Formed
- 12 Mar 08
Tournament Victories
- Tournament
- 2008 December 2009 Club Championship [Pool A]
- Private
- Tournament
- 2008 July King's Gambit (Thematic Tournament) III
- Public
- Tournament
- 2008 June Benko Gambit
- Private
- Tournament
- 2008 May Fast play 1/0
- Private
- Tournament
- 2008 April OTB Chess Players
- Private
- Tournament
- 2007 November Sprint Duel V
- Public
- Tournament
- 2007 June Split V
- Public
- Tournament
- 2007 March Split V
- Public
- Tournament
- 2007 March Quartets III
- Public
- Tournament
- 2007 March Sprint Split XXV
- Public
- Tournament
- 2006 July Banded Quartets 3/14 1700-1800
- Public
- Tournament
- 2006 June Banded Quartets 1500-1600
- Public
- Tournament
- 2006 June Grouped Banded II 1450-1500
- Public
- Tournament
- 2006 June Mini Sprint Grand II
- Public
Ladder Rank
No ladder entered
Moves This Month is the number of moves made since the 1st of the month.
Highest Rating excludes provisional (first 20) games.
Tournament Entry Rating is calculated by the formula (CurrentRating + HighestRating) / 2.
The entry rating will never drop to more than 100 points below your Highest Rating.
Rated stats are updated within 24 hours of the last completed rated game.
Last refreshed on 18 Feb 10.