
Rating 1084

Accepting all challenges
Daily ChessLast move 5260 days 2 hours and 20 minutes ago

About macman

I'm addicted to playing chess. I'll play anyone regardless of rating. I'm a lot better than my rating might suggest. When I start a game, I tend to like to finish in one sitting and I make that known ahead of time. I'm a fast mover and play multiple games a day. I don't like playing sandbaggers or slow movers. I generally don't accept games with time banks and I claim time outs so don't be offended as if I'm not a good sport. I,ve been called a few names for doing so, but oh well.

Rating Trend (last 50 games)

Rated Won / Drawn / Lost

All Rated

852 games

As White

153 games

As Black

699 games

Daily ChessStats

Games Played862
In Progress0
All Moves30139
Moves This Month0
Tourn. Entry Rating1084

Rated Color


852 games


330 games


486 games


36 games

Rated Timeouts


47 games


50 games


90 days1 Year5 Years
Highest Rating108412461342
Average Rating108411621171
Lowest Rating108410731011
Opponent Average Rating120012781251
Games Rated129852
  • Moves This Month is the number of moves made since the 1st of the month.
  • Highest Rating excludes provisional (first 20) games.
  • Tournament Entry Rating is calculated by the formula (CurrentRating + HighestRating) / 2. The entry rating will never drop to more than 100 points below your Highest Rating.
  • Rated stats are updated within 24 hours of the last completed rated game.
  • Last refreshed on 06 Mar '10 .

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