Originally posted by stevetoddI should think that if there were a problem it would be in seeing the white pieces on white squares. On my screen, using "Book" style pieces, black pieces show up with fair contrast on the white and gray squares. The white pieces on the white squares stand out a bit less well.
Does anyone else occassionally not see a black piece on a black square? couldn't we have a choice of board colours (eg white/red, white/yellow etc.)so the black pieces can be more easily seen. Please?
I don't think you read my mesage, the problem is with the black pieces as I explained. There is no problem with white as the white pieces have a black outline! I will look at my pc as I have black pieces on very (bordering black) dark grey (with little contrast), there may be a way of somehow lighting the black the squares by playing around with my pc colours (anyone know how to do this?).