On pushing a pawn to the 8th rank, in chess a pawn is supposed to get the option to promote to Queen (or a rook, bishop, etc). Using Firefox 1.5 on XP and on Linux, i don't get this. What is wrong?
I even tried using IE6 on XP and still no option to promote to Queen. I tried setting the board option but still no change.
Ah thanks I did not know you had to press submit. The FAQ is ambiguous in not explaining this point. On the analysis board you don't get the option to promote too.
NB in proper chess you don't get an analysis board, you have to calculate mentally so if you want to become a tournament chess player learn not to use analyse boards.
Originally posted by brajeshI've had a look at the game in question (I think). You are trying to make an illegal move.
i am killing a rook and promoting my pawn to 8th rank and pressing submit button, but original position is coming back, that is the last move of the game as soon as i promote the pawn i will win the game. but if i am not able to do so i will lose it, it was a tough game for me