I'd like to set up the first six moves, and then start a new game with another player. When I try to castle, however, it says
"Illegal piece positioning for white king side castle"
despite the fact that Castling Available is on. Is there a trick to castling other than just moving the king two spots right? Once this happens, it no longer presents the "start with this board" button.
Originally posted by markinmadisonIn order to answer your question, I think we need the FEN for your set up position. Can you copy the FEN and paste it into here?
I'd like to set up the first six moves, and then start a new game with another player. When I try to castle, however, it says
"Illegal piece positioning for white king side castle"
despite the fact that Castling Available is on. Is there a trick to castling other than just moving the king two spots right? Once this happens, it no longer presents the "start with this board" button.
Originally posted by markinmadisonI don't see anything illegal with this. No error message should be shown. The part "KQkq" says that both sides can castle both ways.
r2qkbnr/ppp2ppp/2np4/4p3/4P1b1/2NB1N2/PPPP1PPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 0 1
There's the board after four moves. I'm trying to castle to the king side. "Castling available" is checked. If I try to castle, I get the error messages.
I suggest you give a "send feedback" to the RHP staff and ask them. There's a link at the bottom of each page. Refer to this thread. And please tell us what happens.