I took what I guess was a "phanton" piece, in this case a bishop.
When the board resumed--this same bishop that I had just taken was in another location and in line with the piece that "took" it's phantom.
The phantom location was the bishops previous location.
I some how moved without my opponent's move registering.
What happened? And what do I do about it?
Originally posted by PhilosopherkingIm guessing this is about Game 7334523?
I took what I guess was a "phanton" piece, in this case a bishop.
When the board resumed--this same bishop that I had just taken was in another location and in line with the piece that "took" it's phantom.
The phantom location was the bishops previous location.
I some how moved without my opponent's move registering.
What happened? And what do I do about it?
All moves in that game history are legal. Are you refering to move 39.Kxa6? You actually captured a Rook there, not blacks white Bishop. 39....Bc4+ and black moved his white bishop on the line with your King. (All legal moves).
"I some how moved without my opponent's move registering."
Doubtfull, this shouldnt be possible. The gamehistory doesnt show anything like that either. It could be that your opponent made a conditional move, then he automaticly could move after you did, what could have made you think that he didnt move at all and you moved twice...
Ps1. I have no idea what a "phanton" piece is.
Ps2. Move 39....Bc4+ doesnt show a "+" sign in the game history, should it?
Originally posted by PhilosopherkingOk, that should not be possible. Perhaps you opened the game twice at one point. Moved in one window. Then came back later (after your opponent moved) to find the other window open, moved in it while the wrong (old) position of the board was shown.
Yes, you have the the right games--and the moves 39-40 are legal, it's that the image of the board displayed does not match the one presented.
Red Hot Pawn accepted moves--without displaying an accurate board.
Twice in a row.
Like swinging at shadows!
How can this glitch be fixed?
Always make sure you are moving in the latest updated version of your game.
If you are certain the problem is at RHP's end and not yours, then you should sent detailed feedback (link at bottom of every page). Add the game number, and all other aditional info (what move number showed the wrong board etc).
Originally posted by MontyMooseOk, then I guess its normal thats not listed🙂
I don't see a + for a check in my game histories?
Originally posted by missal
You don't suppose he's trying to play the game on the analyse board ?? Would explain the situation ??
Yeah could. Its a bit hard to figure out what hes doing wrong lol (If hes doing something wrong and the problem is not at RHP's end😉 ).