just to bring up some old ideas from
a) line length in pgn-files is 79
b) according the games-mails:
why are there always three dots betwen black and white. I don't think this is correct.
c) castling is O-O or O-O-O (big o's like 'obvious'😉 and not little. every move begins with a uppercase letter.
d) the result after the last move is missing (or the star)
e) you don't use all the seven standart pgn-tags
f) it could be indicated the the game was played at RHP
h) It would be very nice if the pgn-file is directly acessable under a specific URL. eg: http://www.stansco.com/cgi-bin/nc_pgn.cgi?161226
i) please offer the possibility of SAN-export (short algebraic notation).
probably you all know it, but I post a link: http://www.very-best.de/pgn-spec.htm
any chance that I/we get this?
Originally posted by Russokay, rebringing oooold posts is not funny but I'd LOVE to have real good pgn files: I analyse my games afterwards unter Arena (www.playwitharena.com). will it get better? can you give me some hope? 😉
As I have stated elsewhere, I will be in maintenance mode soon and will be killing off bugs rather than adding features for a while - so this will happen.
first of all: for me pgn is fine now after this great work and does not need any fixes anymore.
neverthless I want to name some little things that are not perfect yet - just if Chris gets bored... 😉
1) the star after the last move when the game is game in progress is missing (8.2.6)
2) line length in pgn-files should be less than 80 printing characters (4.3)
3) save offers of draws: more @ http://www.redhotpawn.com/board/showthread.php?id=4032 (6.2.10 ...)
4) for games that were played from piece set a FEN-tag should be added with the starting position (9.7.2)
5) en passant moves should have a e.p. afterwards
6) Check and checkmate indication characters are missing (
7) it could be marked when s.o. claimed a timeout (9.8.1)
8) there is a specification about comments and how movetimes are saved.
9) the type of the timecontrol can be saved in a tag (9.5. and 9.6. ...)
as now pgn is very fine (for me) I want to download all my finished games. Is there another way then clicking on every single game that I played in the last 14 month?
I know that this raises server traffic, but perhaps we get the possibility to access - let's say 25 - games' pgn via search of public games (to study others' games as well).
I hope that I wasn't rude or something. I love the site very much and now pgn is very good. Thanks a lot,