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Four Chess Books (what a naff blog title)

Four Chess Books (what a naff blog title)

Only Chess



06 May 08
21 Aug 18

I picked up four books for a few quid in a remote junk shop.

I offer a very brief review spotting errors and then link what I can to RHP games.

One the books was ‘Modern End Game Studies’ by Hans Bouwmeester.
Possibly the best of the lot. I solved and fell in love with the first study.

It was composed by P. Heuacker and it is White to play and win.

Blog Post 392


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16
22 Aug 18
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Originally posted by @greenpawn34

I picked up four books for a few quid in a remote junk shop.

I offer a very brief review spotting errors and then link what I can to RHP games.

One the books was ‘Modern End Game Studies’ by Hans Bouwmeester.
Possibly the best of the lot. I solved and fell in love with the first study.

It was composed by P. Heuacker and it is Wh ...[text shortened]... n.
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Blog Post 392
Very impressive endgame piece by Heuacker. Nothing like finding some gems in an old book. I'd say your "few quid" was well spent.

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