A couple of OTB woes

A couple of OTB woes

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The drunk knight

Stuck on g1

02 Sep 12
24 Feb 19
1 edit

Greetings players and fellow patzers,

I write this in a horrible mood after today's performances in the Doncaster Congress.

This was a tougher tournament than usual, for I had entered the Intermediate,
so my opponents were at a higher level compared to whom I have played previously.

Before today, I was sitting on 2.5/3 points, so in good shape.
... I then took only half a point from 2 games that should have both been won.

White to play, spot the winning move/idea

I played Re6+ with the idea that after Kxf5 I play g7
and if he takes my Rook I get to promote with check... important as otherwise Ra8+ is a draw.
I had simply overlooked Rxg7 and my Rook is hanging.


This next one is even worse.

Black to play, spot the winning move/idea (Edit: Black is going up the board this time, obviously)

I was Black, the game ended up being a dead draw but I refused to take repetitions.
Stupid pride got in the way and I ended up losing.


I won't be doing a full tournament report like usual,
which is a shame because some of the games were interesting.

Something tells me I wouldn't have made these mistakes online.
OTB is a cruel world.

If anyone is interested in seeing any full games, let me know and I can PM you the pgn's.



06 May 08
24 Feb 19
1 edit

I can understand the first one, easily done. but the second one!
First take the pawn and the three pawns out run the Bishop. You use
the BK to get a pawn to c4 and run the a-pawn, it only has to reach a2.

08 Apr 12
25 Feb 19

Hello Zak,
A real shame about that last one, especially. If it helps, I yesterday had a bit of a breakdown and finished 0/3 in a tournament; won't be doing a tournament for that one, either, so you're not the only one in your boat. Anyway, best of luck with the next one, if you do get back out there.

The drunk knight

Stuck on g1

02 Sep 12
25 Feb 19

I just laugh about the second one now... a Rook and 3 pawns loses to a Bishop and 1 pawn... simply ridiculous.

The worst part was there were a lot of people stood around watching,
so a lot of people saw my meltdown.

He was rated ECF 145, joint highest in my section,
so I can at least say "I had a win against him", even if it didn't materialise.

My next tournament is in 3 weeks, Blackpool... ECF 135 or under.
Considering my 2 wins this weekend were against a 136 and a 140, my aim is to win the section outright.

I hope to bring good news...


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16
26 Feb 19
1 edit

@64squaresofpain said
Greetings players and fellow patzers,

I write this in a horrible mood after today's performances in the Doncaster Congress.

This was a tougher tournament than usual, for I had entered the Intermediate,
so my opponents were at a higher level compared to whom I have played previously.

Before today, I was sitting on 2.5/3 points, so in good shape.
... I then t ...[text shortened]... yone is interested in seeing any full games, let me know and I can PM you the pgn's.

Something tells me I wouldn't have made these mistakes online. OTB is a cruel world.

This is why I left OTB years ago, to make matters worse, It is proper to congratulate the winner, and shake their hand, when you'd much prefer to take a pick-axe to the back of their skull! 😠

The drunk knight

Stuck on g1

02 Sep 12
26 Feb 19

Yeah, well I shook his hand, but didn't exactly heap on the praise.

Some of the crowd that watched were eager to tell me about the move I missed,
which I instantly said "I know, I know, I have no idea why I didn't play it"

What's worse is, if I won, I would have tied for 1st place.
Because of the loss, I got nada.

Eh well, I can take away the positives, it's a good lesson to learn.

The fact I was winning vs. an ECF145 player shows I've come a long way from stomping minor and standard sections.