5 positions that will feature in the 'What Happened Next section
with solutions in the next Blog.
I really wanted to see what everything looked up with this
new fabby dabby update. Things are running much quicker
which means you guys will be moving much quicker which means
you will blunder more often and I'll have blog material from now till doomsday.
What happened Next?
Answer next Blog (hopefully Thursday - just waiting on some Duck pics.)
I have removed the names for now so you guys cannot look up
the games for the answers. 🙂
Remember you are looking for terrible blunders.
RHP 2012
Black. A whole Rook up to play. White then mates in two…..with a Knight.
RHP 2011
Black to play and White helps him to mate himself in two moves.
1…Qe1 2.Kh1 Qxf1 mate is one way. But what do you think happened?
RHP 2010
Black to play. White mates on the next move.
RHP 2012
White can mate in one move with.
1.Qd7 or 1.Qc6 or 1.Qb5. What happened next?
White to play.
This is unique. It’s brilliant. Look at the position.
What can either White Rook do and what happened next?
The end (Black mates) is an amazing coincidence.