I wrote this a while back http://www.passionforchess.com/blog/76/how-to-get-better-at-making-combinations-1/ What do you think? Positives? Negatives? thanks
Hi, i love things like that but it was too short, there was only one example given, of the back rank mate motif, which incidentally included a move highlighting deflection as well. More examples are needed, a part from that it was awesome.
RHP Arms
Nicely written but in the last example Nf4 isnt mate. (Kg3) Something missing or do I need new glasses?
Originally posted by wolfgang59 Nicely written but in the last example Nf4 isnt mate. (Kg3) Something missing or do I need new glasses?
on your backrank!
other blogs http://chessforallages.blogspot.com/2010/09/50-great-blogs.html
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