I've taken over Club 604 - and I intend to make it and keep it the most active tourney club on RHP.
Joining has allowed me to stretch myself as a player and stop worrying so much about playing 'correct' chess and just have fun.
We have a loyal core of regular players who would also enjoy facing some new opponents - so if you're a swashbuckler or sacrificial wizard at heart, or would like to become one - join today!
We need one more player to kick off Tournament 24206. It's going to be some crazy games as white sac's a Knight for a center pawn on move 3!
I have been a member for some time, and I recently checked and learned that I have played 236 games in club tournaments.
I knew I had played in several tournaments, but I had no idea I had played that many games in the club.
I am a little selective about what kinds of tournaments I enter, so it's a statement to the variety of offerings that I still managed to have so many games. Variety is what keeps the club going.