I've just played it and I've beaten it on my first game but I'm not sure about it's strength I played the moller attack in the qiocco piano and it went astray because of it's short opening book here is the game:
JESTER 1.10e by Stephane NGUYEN
(registered for http://www.Ludochess.com)
1.e2-e4 e7-e5
2.Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6
3.Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5
4.c2-c3 Ng8-f6
5.d2-d4 e5xd4
6.c3xd4 Bc5-b4+
7.Nb1-c3 Nf6xe4
8.Ke1-g1 Bb4xc3
9.d4-d5 Nc6-a5
10.b2xc3 Na5xc4
11.Qd1-d4 Nc4-d6
12.Qd4xg7 Qd8-f6
13.Qg7xf6 Ne4xf6
14.Rf1-e1+ Ke8-f8
15.Bc1-h6+ Kf8-g8
16.Re1-e5 Nf6-e4
17.Ra1-e1 f7-f6
18.Re5-e7 f6-f5
19.Nf3-d2 b7-b6
20.f2-f3 Ne4xd2
21.Re7-g7+ Kg8-f8
22.Re1-e7 Nd6-e4
23.Rg7xh7+ Kf8-g8
24.Re7-g7+ Kg8-f8
I didn't have to think on most of the moves it's a line i know extremly well, it's error was trying to hold on to it's material with 9.. Na5 9..Bf6 is the correct move, from that point on it's pretty much forced.
good job!
you can set the skill level from anywhere between 1 - 10 and I just noticed that there are different types of play:
"# "Spy" mode :
# Enabled : View Jester's thought. Hide white & black pieces :
# These options allow you to play a half or full-blindfold game. Variations of chess game :
- Normal game : the normal chess game.
- Fantasy style : like as normal game, but sometimes Jester plays a strange, an unexpected move (not really the best move) which completely baffles you and "puts fire on board".
- Clownish style : like as normal game, but when Jester gets a decisive advantage, he'll play a very bad move giving you a chance to win.
- One-Step-Beyond : white pawns are on the 3rd rank, black pawns on the 6th rank.
- Vaureal Dawn : knights & bishops switch their initial position on board.
- Crazy Horses : bishops are replaced by knights.
- Lethal Amazones : knights & bishops are replaced by queens.
- Throne of chaos : like as Fischerandom game.
I played some blitz games against it. I lost the first two with typical crude humanoid blunders, but I got revenge in game 3:
1.e2-e4 e7-e5
2.Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6
3.Bf1-b5 a7-a6
4.Bb5-a4 Ng8-f6
5.Ke1-g1 Bf8-e7
6.Rf1-e1 b7-b5
7.Ba4-b3 Ke8-g8
8.a2-a4 Bc8-b7
9.d2-d3 b5-b4
10.a4-a5 Be7-c5
11.Bc1-g5 h7-h6
12.Bg5-h4 g7-g5
13.Bh4-g3 d7-d6
14.Qd1-d2 Nf6-h5
15.c2-c3 Nh5xg3
16.h2xg3 Ra8-b8
17.d3-d4 b4xc3
18.b2xc3 e5xd4
19.c3xd4 Bc5-b4
20.Nb1-c3 Nc6xa5
21.Bb3-c2 c7-c5
22.d4-d5 Na5-c4
23.Qd2-d3 Nc4-b2
24.Qd3-d2 f7-f5
25.e4-e5 Nb2-c4
26.Qd2-d3 Nc4-a3
27.e5-e6 Bb7xd5
28.Qd3xd5 Qd8-e7
29.Ra1xa3 Bb4xa3
30.Re1-d1 Rb8-e8
31.Bc2xf5 Re8-b8
32.g3-g4 Rf8-d8
33.Nc3-e4 a6-a5
34.Bf5-g6 Kg8-g7
35.Bg6-f7 Ba3-b2
36.Qd5-f5 Rd8-f8
37.Qf5-g6+ Kg7-h8
Wow i'm proud, i won my first chessgame ever O.o And it was against this bot!
JESTER 1.10e by Stephane NGUYEN
(registered for http://www.Ludochess.com)
1.e2-e4 e7-e5
2.Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6
3.Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5
4.Ke1-g1 d7-d6
5.d2-d3 Nc6-a5
6.b2-b3 Na5xc4
7.d3xc4 Ng8-f6
8.Qd1-d3 Bc8-g4
9.Bc1-g5 h7-h6
10.Bg5-h4 g7-g5
11.Bh4-g3 Nf6-h5
12.Nb1-c3 Nh5xg3
13.h2xg3 Ke8-g8
14.Nc3-d5 c7-c6
15.Nd5-b6 Qd8xb6
(Tss tss!)
15.Nd5-c3 Bc5xf2+
(Tss tss!)
15.Nd5-c3 Qd8-f6
(Tss tss!)
15.Nd5-c3 Qd8-f6
16.Ra1-e1 Qf6-g6
17.Qd3xd6 Bc5xd6
(Tss tss!)
17.Nc3-a4 b7-b5
18.c4xb5 Bc5-b4
19.c2-c3 c6xb5
20.c3xb4 b5xa4
21.Qd3-e3 Rf8-b8
22.Nf3xg5 h6xg5
23.Re1-b1 Qg6-h6
24.f2-f3 Rb8-b6
25.f3xg4 Ra8-f8
26.Rf1-d1 Rb6xb4
27.Qe3-d3 a4xb3
28.Qd3xd6 Qh6xd6
29.Rd1xd6 f7-f5
30.Rd6-g6+ Kg8-h7
(Tss tss!)
30.Rb1-c1 b3xa2
31.Rc1-c7 a2-a1+
32.Kg1-h2 Kg8-h8
It was on clownish mode but still i won 😀
i beat it but it took a few games
1.e2-e4 d7-d5
2.e4xd5 Qd8xd5
3.Nb1-c3 Qd5-a5
4.Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6
5.Bf1-e2 Nb8-c6
6.Ke1-g1 Bc8-g4
7.d2-d3 Ke8-c8
8.h2-h3 Bg4-h5
9.Bc1-d2 Qa5-b4
10.Bd2-e3 Qb4xb2
11.Qd1-d2 Bh5xf3
12.Be2xf3 Nc6-e5
13.Rf1-b1 Ne5xf3+
14.g2xf3 Qb2-a3
15.Rb1-b3 Qa3-a5
16.Ra1-b1 Qa5-f5
17.Rb3xb7 Qf5xh3
18.Nc3-e4 Nf6-d5
19.Rb7-b8+ Kc8-d7
20.Ne4-c5+ Kd7-e8
21.Rb8xd8+ Ke8xd8
22.Rb1-b8+ Qh3-c8
23.Rb8xc8+ Kd8xc8
24.Qd2-a5 e7-e6
25.Qa5xa7 Bf8xc5
26.Be3xc5 Rh8-d8
27.Qa7-a6+ Kc8-d7
28.Qa6-b5+ Kd7-c8
29.a2-a4 h7-h5
30.a4-a5 Nd5-f4
31.a5-a6 Nf4-h3+
32.Kg1-f1 Rd8-d6
33.Bc5xd6 Kc8-d8
34.Bd6xc7+ Kd8xc7
35.a6-a7 Kc7-d6
36.a7-a8D Kd6-e7
37.Qb5-b7+ Ke7-f6
38.Qa8-a7 Nh3-g5
39.f3-f4 Kf6-g6
40.f4xg5 Kg6xg5
41.Qb7xf7 Kg5-h4
42.Qa7-a4+ Kh4-h3
43.Qf7-f3+ Kh3-h2