Originally posted by FersbooHow does it work? You give your opponent a delicious Danish (the sacrifice, those things are good!) if he gives you an extra move or two?
I have been intriqued for a couple of years with the concept of sacrifice for the sake of development. This was illustrated to me with the Danish Gambit.
I play this quite frequently, but only against weaker opponents. As white you steal a considerable march in developement at the cost of two pawns. I particularly like it, because it produces very open, short and violent games. Which, of course, is great fun!
Black needs to defend well, and may have to give back the material in order to survive. A strong player can, however, refute it easily, either by accepting only the first pawn, or sacrificing his Queen's pawn (d5) after Bxb2.
Weaker players, however, tend to accept both pawns and then battle along, trying to maintain the material advantage. This gives white a great deal of open space and a pair of bishops that are powerfully placed on neighbouring diagonals. All-in-all, a great launching pad for attacking black's vulnerable kingside.