no, the FEN string (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) is one easy way of describing a chess board: you start with the last row and contains abbreviation of the blck and white pieces (King, kNight, Rook, Pawn, ...) black and white pieces are marked with upper and lower case letters.
for example have a look at the game
its fenstring is
rn2k1nr/1b2q2p/1pp1N1p1/p2pbp2/5P2/1PNB4/P1PP2PP/R1BQ1RK1 b qk f3 0 12
there are a blck rook, a black knight and then 2 empty squares and so on. you got it? after the first space the "b" says that it is blacks turn...
FENs are availible at RHP, this is very very good: you can easily export the current position form RHP to another chess programm or note it down and play the game at home (think of the position)
could I help you? for further infos search the net π