Hey Look, There is a Free Rook.

Hey Look, There is a Free Rook.

Only Chess


06 May 08
26 Jul 23
1 edit

This weeks study by N.G. Grigoriev is deceptively simple

As always it is White to play and win

It looks easy, hardly worth a study. 1.f4 and White Queens with a check.
Looks deceive. After 1.f4 Kb4 and the Black King can catch the f-pawn.

I then stumbled upon Gary Weaver - virgiltavi RHP 2022

Black played 72...Kf7 and lost. But it can be drawn.

And then I found shouresh - Gajo Richie RHP 2022 (White to move)

White played 1.Ke4 to stop Black playing 1...Kd5 entering the pawn
promotion square and when Black noticed that White promotes with
the all important check they resigned but once again Black had a draw.

Then a selection of Red Hot Pawn positions (4) with one of our players
needlessly taking a Rook only to be checkmated on the very next move.
Blog Post 576


04 Mar 15
27 Jul 23

Really instructive blog this week - brilliant as always


06 May 08

Thanks Malky,

Sometimes i do a goodie and I knew this one was going that when I found
the Gary Weaver - virgiltavi RHP 2022 game. Because in the heat of the battle

if I saw that position coming I may have been too clever and assumed
there must be a Zugzwang where White plays a well timed e5 and wins
that I may have resigned rather than see it for myself. It is instructive.

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