Originally posted by TyrannosauruschexMr. Perfect must not have read his whole post. He stated that he wanted to use the same email.
Best thing to do is just not tell anybody, leave this one inactive, and create a new account with a catchy name and flashy animation - nobody seems to notice.
I would send site feedback telling them you want to change your name and why. Without a good enough reason they will not let you change it.
04 Mar 08
Can't you just change the email account for THIS account and then start your next with your prefered account? Meaning....
dude@place.com = attached to your handle now
Change in My Settings to dudewhodoesntlikehisrecordandwantstostartoverwhichiswhatIwoulddoifIhadntpaid30bucks@darn.com
Create new account with Dude@place.com
Did that make sense? I drink a lot.....
Originally posted by kingdominichttp://www.redhotpawn.com/myhome/termsofservice.php
I would like to turminate my account and create a new one... With the same email address. Anybody know how to?
Take a look at Section 3a.
Now take a look here
Do you want to join them?