Originally posted by pulernWhite to move, mate in 9.
Is it possible to set up a three piece position with;
a) White King + White Queen vs. Black King, so that forced mate is MORE than 8 moves?
b) White King + White Rook vs. Black King, so that forced mate is MORE than 15 moves?
Regards, Paul
White to move, mate in 16.
(According to Shredder's endgame tablebase anyway...)
Originally posted by National Master DaleI actually know the Q vs. R Philidor position, I have no life 😞
The title of this thread made me think this thread was going to be about how to win with king and queen vs rook and king.
I usually just make oodles of checks and win the rook by accident.
I don`t think that works against computers but it works great in blitz vs earthlings.